The World We Live In

We all live in our little world & are blind of the bigger picture that is taking place. If we would look outside ourselves we would see patterns in what is happening in the world. Sure I admit I look at the economic of the world, the media what they are preaching, what the education system is teaching, the conflicts that are happening around the world, the scientific advancements, weather, what mind control techniques that are being put in place, the lies that are being sprouted on, & so many other areas. I guess being analytical & very observant of all matter of things in life can be every rewarding because you become aware of the pain of the world.


As I lay here ponding about my life and how the NOW is, that I have come to realize that there is truly no time. That time is just an illusion created my man to give meaning to life which is an illusion within itself.

As I ponder the NOW I came to the understanding how it came about. To explain so others could comprehend this I will illustrate the concept.

In your life in this illusion of time there are only two results the beginning and the end. The birth of your existence and the extinguish, death.

Along this time line of illusion you are having experiences in your life along the path you have chosen. Those experiences determine what that path would look like as you travel along it.

To understand take a step back from your existence and look at all the experiences you have had and seen how those experiences have shaped who you are, the path you are on in life.

See the experiences as if those experiences you were having as if you were an ant. Now see yourself far outside that realm looking down on yourself as an ant seeing everything that is happening to you. Seeing all those experiences and how they affected your life and the choices you made.

Wouldn’t you being seeing all those experiences as they are happening NOW. As you look down you see yourself hitting your thumb with a hammer, the broken heart you received, the mistakes you made, falling of you bike, getting that promotion, your first love, your failures, your wins. All these events in your life have meanings that point you into making choices in your life.

You can see it all happening NOW. Could you make changes in the NOW? I believe that you can make those changes by standing outside the illusion of time and seeing all the experiences and events in your life that cause you to make those wrong choices.

Some of you won’t make the changes as you are happy with yourself and where you are in life. Others however are not.

Why should we, won’t this cause a ribbing affect within timeline? Oh yes this would but there is only one thing you don’t understand that you created your realities so why not correct those mistakes, creating new and better realities.

NOW is the area that gives you the opportunity to correct your creation of your reality. To make it better for yourself as well as for others.

Image if you were responsible for World War II couldn’t you make the world you created a better place. Wouldn’t that affect others to do the same.

Yes everything has consequences.

It’s like a pebble being dropped into a clear smooth pond creating a ripple effect which is creation. Some more pebbles are dropped into the pond causing more ripples though out the pond which would look like chaos. The first pebble is the creator’s thought, the other pebbles are creator other thoughts causing what is seen as chaos. Out of those thoughts comes other thoughts or pebbles causing more disturbances within the pond which are your thoughts and experiences. So the pond or creation seem to have no rhythm of peace.

This is where NOW comes into play, by seeing those ripples you can correct those mistakes in your reality you made which would cause ripples of the same frequencies and vibrations to cancel out the other ripples creating a smooth pond again.

We all come from one source the creator. The creator created us with thoughts and our thoughts created our realities which intersect with each other causing what we call chaos. If we can create the right frequencies and vibrations we would once again have a peaceful and calm pond.

Are you saying our thoughts are frequencies and vibrations? Yes everything in your reality is created by you and by others through thoughts which is vibration frequencies. Those thoughts, vibrations and frequencies interact together creating our realities. So NOW is NOW. There is no tomorrow or past or future there is only the present in the NOW.


Shared on April 14, 2023

In the interest of getting the conversation going on the viability of Alberta Independence, we are sharing an article that came out on March 2019 in the Roughneck magazine, before our now infamous federal elections. The writer interviews “an Albertan of some repute” and gets their take on the viability of independence. There are very interesting points raised and I am sure that they will promote some great discussion.

We would like to thank Scott Jeffrey for allowing us to share this article.

Shared with permission.

The Alberta Independence Interview (The Roughneck Magazine, March/April 2019 )

Editor’s Note: In February, Roughneck Magazine was invited to interview an Albertan of some repute. It was a journalist’s dream. The subject was Alberta independence, focussing on the mechanics of two aspects of independence, and the answers wouldn’t be political. The interviewee would be blunt. Given the subject matter and the position and candor of the insider, the identity of this person is withheld. With permission, the answers have been edited for grammar, with minor changes to phrasing, to protect this person’s identity.]

1. You’re open to talk about the mechanics of Alberta’s independence, and that’s where I’d like to focus but, just as an introduction, how likely do you think Alberta’s independence is?

The political answer is that independence is up to the people; if they want it, they’ll push for it. But I think it’s highly likely in the next 10 years. I remember when Czechoslovakia split up in ’91 or ’92, and the leadership there thought independence was inevitable if support for it held at 15 percent. And it did. And at the height of independence sentiment in 1992 support was still only 36 percent. Well, support for Alberta independence has been five points over the 15 percent threshold consistently for years now. The latest Angus Reid poll, done February 2019, has Albertan support for independence at 50 percent. That’s way beyond a tipping point.

Remember that it’s not just popular will that delivers independence, it’s the ability to get things done across both entities; democratic cooperation, that breaks down as cohesion breaks down. So, by the time independence support crested at 36 percent in what’s now the Czech Republic, the practical functioning of government across the two entities, of Czech and Slovak, had already, culturally, been badly undermined. The actual separation was then just formalizing what was already happening in the Czechoslovakian government.

Popular support for independence is already well above critical mass, and the cultural divide that drives it is already well established and well known. Now it’s just a question of time.

2. The cultural divide, witnessed in Parliamentary dysfunction, seems to be getting worse under Trudeau.

You say worse, but if the goal is getting Canada out of Alberta, then Trudeau’s been a good thing for us. But yes, the divide is bigger now than even four years ago. All the reasons that spurred the Western Canada Concept, and then the Reform Party of Canada, and the infamous Firewall letter, and on it goes. It’s just that now we’ve got a Federal Government actively trying to impoverish Alberta. I mean, it’s not subtle anymore.

There were a lot of us in the system then, as now, who held our noses in dealing with Canada. In the last few years, some are quietly positioning new options, we still must deal with Canada all the time, but now it’s not ‘hold your nose and give it,’ so much as ‘hold your nose and prep to take it back.’ That’s a recent change.

Politicians have repeatedly claimed that Albertan independence would be a disaster – Bernier recently called it a disaster. There’s the idea out there that separation is risky and difficult. Is that fair, or does it reflect ulterior motives in Canada?

Well, that’s just it, the ones calling for panic are the ones whose positions are at risk. For Alberta, separation isn’t complicated, it’s not difficult. Sure, it’ll take time to sort out, a lot of work for the bureaucrats. But it’s volume of work, not risk. It’s staying within Canada that’s risky. If what we’ve endured under Trudeau in the last few years, with no hint of help from eastern Canada, no support at all, and this is just the start of it so there’s no let-up coming -that’s what we’re in for forever with Canada. Getting rid of that is work, yes, but it lowers our risk and boosts our opportunity.


3. Canada would expect Alberta to absorb some portion of Canadian debt at independence. What’s fair?

What’s fair is paying Alberta’s share of what Alberta’s responsible for. Should we pay for all the largesse lavished on east-ern Canada? I don’t think so. We voted against all that. We shouldn’t pay the costs of the cartels or the subsidies to eastern industry, outfits like Bombardier, Power Corp., SNC — we didn’t authorize any of that, we fought hard against it, so there isn’t any basis for us paying for it. These things are what Canada wanted, they’re what Canada’s responsible for; they’ll be paid by Canada.

Let’s remember that because of our population, relative to eastern Canada, Alberta has never been able to overrule Canada in any legislation. We’ve never had our way, so to speak. In this, there’s nothing that we’ve received that we’re both responsible for and have benefitted disproportionately at the expense of eastern Canada.

Federal debt is now about $161.0 billion. If we say that Alberta was responsible for, say, 15 percent of the debt incurred by eastern Canada — an amount that’s arguably generous already- then Alberta’s share of Federal debt is $10.7 billion. [Ed.: $161.0 B /4.3 million (AB population) = $71.6B, times 15% = $10.7B]

There are other ways to calculate it, like arguing a zero Alberta portion due to offsetting factors — such as the incredible NEP damage in the 1980’s for instance. Likewise, it could also be argued that while Albertans them-selves were demonstrably opposed to most eastern spending schemes, their representatives were complicit in some of them. Alberta’s responsibility for Federal dept could go over 17 percent or even 20 percent of nominal per capita share. [Ed.: being $10.7 B at 15%, $12.2B at 17%, and $14.3B at 20%]. But that’s still only about three grand per head, even at the top end of the range. [Ed.; being per capita $2,497.30 at 15%, $2,830.27 at 17%, and $3,329.73 at 20%].

Inflation adjustment would be negligible, around a quarter billion, assuming an average rate of about two and a half percent per year since 1984. Regardless of where in the range the debt allocation figure lands, the balance will be workable. Indeed, it will be a big reduction in Alberta’s debt burden.

4. Federal debt figures don’t include outstanding federal balances owing to provincial governments. Throughout the year, there are usually significant balances owing back and forth, in areas like federal contribution to specific projects, or provincial contribution to federal initiatives. Equalization balances are also excluded from federal debt figures. What would be the most likely calculation in these areas?

The largest of these items is the equalization balance. Under Canadian rule, the most productive provinces have had their wealth confiscated for redistribution to less productive provinces. As with federal debt, Alberta hasn’t been pable to stop these confiscations. Frankly, we couldn’t stop them if every Albertan MP voted to do so. In this, these sums have not been democratically reallocated; they have been coercively confiscated. That’s a pretty big difference at law.

As a starting point, Alberta is entitled to the difference between the sums taken by Canada and the value received from Canada in return. On average, since 1984, Alberta has lost a net $14.0B per year in equalization payments. During boom years, the loss has been as high as $22.0B per year. The total non-inflation adjusted equalization debt owed by eastern Canada to Alberta in 2019 is $490.0B. As with federal debt, the inflation adjustment is notable but not unwieldy, at about $12.0B [Ed.: being $11.86B at 2.42% inflation]. The total owed to Alberta is about $502.0B [Ed.: $501,858,000,000].

Keep in mind that, as with federal debt, Alberta had no say in how our equalization money was being spent by eastern Canada. It could be argued that Alberta cannot be held accountable for spending decisions made with respect to Alberta’s equalization money when those decisions were made in defiance of Alberta’s demonstrated political will. That’s a tighter case to make, but in the heat of independence negotiations, you can count on it being made. Obviously, that kind of calculation would increase further the amount owing to Alberta. The other items, the various contributions by the federal government to Alberta or vice versa for various projects, would likely be a wash and would vary year-to-year, making specific calculations difficult. We should assume that some clearing of balances will be needful between the parties at negotiation but, as noted in the figures above, the net would be dramatically in Alberta’s favor.

5. In “Alberta’s favor” is relative politically. When considering both the federal debt negotiation and the equalization balance negotiation, where would Alberta be at the end of negotiation?

We will be owed approximately $490.0B at independence [Ed.: $490.0B equalization balance + $12.0B inflation adjustment, less $12.0B Alberta share of federal debt = $490.0B recoverable].

6. Would independent Alberta have its own currency and, if so, would it be vulnerable to hyperinflation?

Yes, Alberta would have its own currency. To say otherwise is to assume Alberta would willingly cede control of monetary policy to a foreign country. Canada, after losing Alberta, would be financially unstable and, while we could hard peg to the US dollar, that prospect is politically challenging, and I think it’s unlikely.

We could also just dollarize directly; that is, use USD as the currency. This is done more than you know. Zimbabwe is a de facto USD economy, as is Ecuador, and El Salvador. Not that Alberta would have the standing of El Salvador, but as a backstop, we could dollarize even as a transition to independence — to insulate from CAD instability. It’s possible, workable as a transition step but, again, it’s unlikely given the political situation and the fact that Alberta is quite capable of managing its own currency.

As to hyperinflation, there’s been talk about an Albertan currency being atypically susceptible to hyperinflation due to energy dominance in our national economy. Much of this talk comes from Canada, with an obvious interest in preventing an Albertan currency. When considering other energy-dominant economies, the hyperinflation argument falls flat. The UAE, for instance, has had an average inflation rate of about three percent for the last decade. Saudi Arabia’s inflation rate has been about 3.5 percent for 10 years now. Kuwait has also enjoyed about three percent inflation in the decade, and they achieved that in a war zone. In 2019, Kuwaiti inflation is 0.2 percent. That’s not hyperinflation. That’s inflation to brag about. And Alberta’s energy sector comprises 26 percent of the economy [Ed.: in 2013], whereas in the UAE or Saudi Arabia or in Kuwait the sector is more dominant than in Alberta. Energy in Kuwait contributes 37 percent to GDP (gross domestic product).

The supposed inevitability of hyper-inflation of an Albertan currency is nonsense, floated about by people who should know better, and often do, and so they’re just scaremongering. It has no basis in reality.

7. Given the size of Canada’s debt to Alberta, what is the likelihood of repayment?

It’s basically zero chance. Canada can’t break even right now and that with $14.0B of Alberta’s money every year. Getting Alberta’s money back after independence means that Canada would have to cut its annual spending by $14.0B just to balance, then cut another $10.0B to $20.0B from the budget to pay its debts to Alberta. That’s not only unrealistic, it would be revolutionary in some places, especially Quebec. They’ll think it rough enough that they can’t take from us what they want but telling Quebecers that they must pay back what they’ve already taken, I mean, you’d have riots. Actual riots. No chance.

8. So, the Canadian debt to Alberta is just a notional debt?

No, no. We can get our money back, just not in capital transfers. It’d likely be a land-for-debt-relief deal. We zero Canada’s debt to Alberta, they cede most of British Columbia to Alberta. We call it even.

9. What do you say to the objection that’s sure to be made, that Canada wouldn’t even consider a land-for-debt-relief agreement?

That’s true. Canada won’t like it, won’t want to accept it, and won’t even consider it. But at independence, they won’t have much choice. Look, Canada is largely lit by Alberta’s natural gas. We transport the stuff in pipelines all the way to Quebec before the lines turn south into the US. [Ed.: TransCanada mainline and others]. That’s leverage. They know if negotiations go sour, we can turn out the lights. Worse, when we turn out the lights, they go out in New York too — that’s where Alberta’s natural gas ends up. So, the US has incentive to push Canada to clear its debt to Alberta. And they would be. In practice, nobody needs to actually turn the lights out. It’s the power to do so and the prospect of Alberta doing it that incentivizes repayment. That’s leverage.

And it goes on. At independence, the Canadian budget will be over $20.0B in deficit and its debt will be north of $620.0B. Canada has no way to pay that and the markets know it. At independence, the real crisis is at the federal Treasury, with an almost immediate crashing Canadian dollar. Think of all the corporate debts denominated in C$. Think of the massive wealth evaporating by the billions and that by the hour! No, Canada will badly need stability, and they’ll need to reach it within weeks. That’s leverage, right? That’s our position. We come to the table with all the cards. Canada comes cap-in-hand.

On the day after independence, Alberta’s doing fine. It’s Canada in crisis. We’ve got Canada cornered. In this crisis, we can drive a deal that they’d never accept now. We can get them to repay all they’ve taken from us, every stolen cent, in a land deal that clears their debt and gives Alberta open access to the Pacific.

10. How would Albertan independence affect BC?

Well, the land-for-debt-relief deal would absorb most of BC into Alberta. The remnant of BC would be Vancouver Island plus the old GVRD [Ed.: Lower Mainland] as far as Hope. This has been evaluated in some detail, quietly. The borders would be around the Hope Slide area in the south, the Coquihalla Pass and Britannia Beach on the north side, and the Okeover Arm at Lund on the west side, with the border extending up Johnston Strait. The Canadian portion of BC would be like Monaco or Kaliningrad or the Vatican City; separated from the rest of Canada but possessing the population and economic base, and connection to Asia-Pacific, to be viable as its own provincial or territorial jurisdiction.

One should note that the ceded portion of BC won’t miss the remnant much. With only a few pockets, the rest of BC tends to resent the dominance of Victoria/Vancouver. That most of BC is an afterthought to the part of BC that runs everything is a big issue. The sky-high taxes, the stifling regulation, the needlessly lowered standards of living — I mean, all of this would go. BC would be freed with Alberta. Let’s be clear here — I think BC is an economic powerhouse just waiting to happen. That can’t happen with the socialists running the place. But carving off the most leftist parts, letting them run their own little fiefdom without bothering the rest of us, and letting the rest of BC prosper; well, that’s win-win for BC and Alberta.

11. Alberta has run budget surpluses from 1995 – 2008, then a series of deficits since then. What happens to Alberta’s provincial debt at independence?

If the provincial government does nothing to change the structure of Alberta’s debt — that is, to redenominate debt in, say, USD at the rollover of each tranche, then if the Canadian dollar goes into freefall when the markets react to Ottawa’s inability to balance anything without Alberta, then our debt becomes easy to pay back. A hyperinflating C$, when the rest of Alberta is either on USD as an interim, or otherwise on an Albertan currency, has the effect of reducing the actual debt. Now, I’m not advocating this, because the Albertan debt is owed largely to Albertans. But to the question, the domestic debt does become a non-issue if our government does nothing to hedge against a falling C$.

That said, the government of Alberta has already thought it through and isn’t without plans to deal with it. We may dollarize to USD as an interim step anyway, so the actual debt won’t be affected much.

The current thinking is that about a year after independence, once markets have calmed and Canada’s got itself sorted, that Alberta could monetize the provincial debt. That is, as all government debt is taken on behalf of the people, it is within the right of government to allow the citizens to repay their portion of provincial debt at their leisure. So, they can pay it off right away if they wanted to, or they could just float a boat, pay interest, and roll it over as the government does now on their behalf. Either way, it becomes their choice. On taxes, we’d ensure reductions equivalent to interest on that debt, so from a taxpayer perspective, there is no increase in their costs.

12. Provincial debt is just over $2,000 right now, per capita. That’s not a freak show. We can do this.

One more thing — right now there are only five nations on earth with zero debt and only three countries with no debt. Within a year of independence, Alberta would join that exclusive club of incredibly wealthy countries. We’d be the only debt-free country in the Americas. That’s a massive advantage. You thought the Klein era Alberta Advantage was a big deal? An independent Alberta would be the envy of the Earth.

Aboriginal Relations

13. On Aboriginal relations, Canada is funding the reserve system right now but that would obviously change with independence. How would Alberta handle the Aboriginal file on its own?

The present system is unsustainable. It’s expensive and divisive. It makes an entire racial group dependent on hand-outs from other racial groups. It allocates rights and responsibilities based on race. We can’t continue legitimizing the notion of a preferred race of people.

It’s the 21st century … we’ve got to fix this. There’s general agreement that we need to move from race-based policy to racial equality, it’s the specifics of how to get there that not all of us agree with.

14. The status of natives in Canada is established at law, but even if Canadian law no longer applies in an independent Alberta, isn’t the province still bound by treaties?

You could say the same thing about US law before the civil war. At law, blacks could be owned by whites as slaves. The purchase of a black person as a slave was a legal contract, signed by the auctioneer who sold the slave — I mean, it was a legal contract, established by legislation and recognized by the Courts. But slavery was also barbaric, inhuman. It was the product even then of a bygone age. It took a civil war to end slavery, but the comparative for Alberta is that all slave ownership contracts were nullified by federal legislation, starting with the Emancipation Proclamation.

We are not required to perpetuate the sins of history. Racism is obsolete, and I’m being charitable in terms. The idea that Alberta would be required to cement racial privilege is nonsensical. No, we would do our own Emancipation Proclamation, and we’d ensure that Indigenous Peoples previously relegated to reserves are assisted through the transition to full and equal citizenship.

15. Those enjoying privilege in the current system aren’t likely to give it up willingly. How do you see the transition happening?

The mechanics of transition is where there’s disagreement. I think in general, we’re looking at a multi-year transition, with roughly equal increments, year-by-year, so that by the end there is no difference in treatment or rights between the races.

Reserve lands will have to be apportioned to Aboriginal members, within the transition terms. Each person will own their own land. No more communal ownership as a reserve. There will need to be preclusions on sale of First Nations lands for a set period, to ensure that the transition doesn’t result in a short-term bump in prosperity followed by long-term poverty. Instead of old reserves, there’ll be new municipalities.

Some reserves are on valuable lands — those adjacent to major cities, for instance. Other reserves are on economically marginal land. Apportioning directly to band members would make some Aboriginals incredibly wealthy and others incredibly poor. To solve this, some form of pooling is needed.

Personally, I favor apportionment on a 70 percent reserve land allocation to band members, with 30 percent of reserve land pooled in a trust, with the trust owned by each Albertan Aboriginal with equity allocated based on average income in the previous years. But there are other ways of apportionment. The key is that race-based land ownership is dismantled in such a way as to ensure viability of remote communities and equal treatment of all Indigenous Peoples through the process.

Other privilege areas, such as race quotas, special rights for certain races, special courts and special legal treatment for some races — that will all come to an end. Obviously, the Department of Indian Affairs will be not duplicated in an independent Alberta. We wouldn’t tolerate a Department of White People or special doorways for “coloreds.” This one bugs me. It’s high time we buried bigotry. Independence is an opportunity to do just that.

16. Canada and much of the international community would regard equality as harmful, and the status quo as honorable. Wouldn’t Alberta get push-back on ending privilege?

Canada couldn’t afford its reserve system after Alberta’s independence. Where would the money come from? With tightened budgets, with everyone out east screaming about their missing subsidies, how much sympathy do you think racial privilege will get? Look, right now in an immigrant-heavy city like Toronto there’s not much tolerance for special race rights for Aboriginals. Special race rights were once commonly accepted, but immigration has changed the math. The fact is that most immigrants in Canada come from places with genuine hardship, oppression They know what unfairness looks like. They’ve lived it. And from that experience, they know that special status for First Nations isn’t fair on every-one else, and it’s not fair on Aboriginals either, in that it raises generations of angry, resentful people.

After independence, for financial reasons, and buttressed by unsympathetic immigrant communities, Canada will be doing the same unwind of race-based Bantustans as we’ll be.

17. Your comments suggest, the detail in them, suggests that in, say, certain groups of influence there has been more than casual consideration of independence. Can you comment on the extent of discussions taking place on the inside?

No, sorry. That’s more than I’ll say. Every government has contingency plans, every corporation, every enterprise, if they’re any good at what they’re doing they’ll know what’s just ahead of the horizon, and they’ll have contingency plans in place for everything. That’s what it takes to position Alberta to ride something out, to recover from something or, in this case, to position us for a future that’s a lot brighter, freer, more prosperous and more just than anything we’ve had under Canadian control.

18. Is independence inevitable?

No. Albertans are solidly democratic. If Albertans want to let Canada stay in Alberta, then that’s it, there’s no independence. On the other hand, if things keep going as they are, if our energy is still landlocked in a few years’ time, then it’s a lot more likely that Albertans will be pushing harder for independence. Canadians won’t have much of a say either, it’ll be about getting their country out of our country, and it could happen a lot faster than you think.

19. What would you say to Canadians upset at the prospect of an independent Alberta?

Welcome to the revolution.


I come to the realization that the needs of the many out weight the needs of the few is a lie. As well as the needs of the few is a lie. All have needs and all needs should be addressed without being judgmental of the cause or effect of the situation in an individual’s life or the life of a group of people. All have been created equal, all have the protential to be great, it only come down to making a choice to decide why and put will behind it in action. We are not slaves but only slaves to the circumstances that we create and allow into our lives. We control the outcome of our lives whether it be positive(good) or negative(bad) we have the responsibility to face the truth that we created the circumstances by taking ownership. Then by this process we will be able to move forward to correct the mistakes in our lives.


We all come across someone who touches your heart, mind and soul and all you want is to with them always. We forget it take 2 to have a relationship that feel the same way. Yes you would do anything for them as far as your character, believe system and moral conscious will allow you to do. What is hard is letting go as much as you want it to come together to have that relationship you dreamed of. You must trust God that He knows what is best for you. You don’t know what He is up to, to bring about your heart’s desire. Just Trust, have faith and believe that person will come into your life. For all you know it could be the same person.


We are always looking for the truth. What we think is the truth turns out to be lie. Within a lie there is always some truth for you can not spin a lie without the truth. À lie is what is put into the truth to make it seem true. Digging into the truth always shows the lie within the truth. By searching for the truth within the truth you see the truth for what it is. The same goes when you search for the truth within yourself for you can not hide the truth within a lie.


We all come into this world the same way in total innocence of everything around us. Then we start to learn, in that learning process we learn about ourselves by interaction with people, things and the world in general. Along the way we are told lies, we even tell ourselves lies, people tell us lies, the world tells lies to the point we believe in the lies. The lie may cause us to hurt ourselves mental, emotionally, and sometimes physically. We tell ourselves the lies over and over and we believe it. We are not good enough, you can’t do that, you are unworthy, she/he will never love me/you, we are not smart enough, you can never be rich and have a good life, and the list goes on. It is realizing that the lies are there when we have been program over an along period of time to believe the lies. We can’t undo what we learn without help to see the truth so that we can reprogram ourselves to think the right way. If we want to change we need to replace our thought process. If we want good things to come into our lives then we must invoke the law of creation. We need to speak, think and action physically, mentally these things we want and seem them as completed with all the emotion that can be forcefully put forth in our mind for it is the mind that creates. 99% is of the mind to create and 1% is action. What ever we want we have to see in our heart, mind and soul as completed.


Everyone has a choice in life and everyone of us must respect the choices that others make whether we agree or disagree. We are not here to judge them for the decisions they made or they to judge us for what we believe in whether it is right or wrong. Our job in life is to grow from the experiences we have encountered and learn from them. If we do not believe in something and we stand by it without condemning others then we have not harm anyone. All of us has the right to speak what we believe in without forcing our beliefs on others. The best way to show our beliefs is to live it every day.


Claiming The Promises

As a child, a brother/sister, a Father/Mother, a follower of the Way I/You claim the fruit of the Spirit, which is LOVE, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; here there is no conflict with the law.

Since I/You live by faith and action, follow and lead by the Spirit, I/You will let the Spirit guide and lead me in every part of my life. I/You will not become conceited or irritated by my/your other creators, nor will I/You be jealous of any of them.

I/You always put on the full armour of Love so that I/You can stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the enemy, and I/You use every piece of the armour to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle I/You will still be standing firm.

I/You put on the sturdy belt of truth and body armour of righteousness. My/Your shoes are the shoes of peace that comes from the message of salvation of Love, so I am fully prepared. Since I/You need faith in every battle to stop the fiery arrows aimed at me/you by the enemy, I/You will put on my/your helmet & take the Sword of the Spirit, which is The Word.

I/You will be positive at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Spirit. I/You will stay alert and be persistent in my/your Love for all Believers in the Way everywhere, and I/You will also follow The Golden Rule in my/your daily life. To LOVE with all my/your heart, mind, strength and action, and to LOVE my/your neighbour as myself/yourself for my/your neighbour is a reflection of myself/yourself. For by this Rule all other laws and decrees are null and void.

What is happening in the world is coming to pass. All that has been hidden is being revealed. From children sacrifice to flat earth, hollow earth, multi universes, aliens, hologram realities, creation of man, lost history, multi parallel realities, dome earth, and all the lies that have been placed as veils over our minds causing humanity not to see, hear, feel, comprehend with our minds the truth of our existence as to who we are, why we exist, where we came from, what is the purpose of our existence.

Those who are awaken are shocked by the vastness of the lie and lies on top of lies that everything in reality is a lie. Nothing what has been taught, or learned is true but a lie build on lies on top of lies.

Once you stop yourself for a moment in your reality to do critical thinking, you see the truth of what this existence is and that is was never meant to be for the initial design has been so corrupted beyond recognition that we have to put together the broken pieces into a puzzle piece to come to the real truth of who we are, what we are, where we are, when it happen, and how is all happen.

Going through this journey of discovery is very painful, bring with it anguish, anxiety, anger, and phobias to the truth or lie.

The only solution to this is to recognize that everything is a lie. A lie mixed into the truth and that one must be open to everything with an open mind, looking at all possibilities by stepping back for a moment doing critical thinking by analyzing very nuance of data information into a picture of complete comprehensive understanding of the true existence.


Claiming The Promises

As a child, a brother/sister, a Father/Mother, a follower of the Way I/You claim the fruit of the Spirit, which is LOVE, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; here there is no conflict with the law. Since I/You live by faith and action, follow and lead by the Spirit, I/You will let the Spirit guide and lead me in every part of my life. I/You will not become conceited or irritated by my/your other creators, nor will I/You be jealous of any of them. I/You always put on the full armour of Love so that I/You can stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the enemy, and I/You use every piece of the armour to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle I/You will still be standing firm. I/You put on the sturdy belt of truth and body armour of righteousness. My/Your shoes are the shoes of peace that comes from the message of salvation of Love, so I am fully prepared. Since I/You need faith in every battle to stop the fiery arrows aimed at me/you by the enemy, I/You will put on my/your helmet & take the Sword of the Spirit, which is The Word. I/You will be positive at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Spirit. I/You will stay alert and be persistent in my/your Love for all Believers in the Way everywhere, and I/You will also follow The Golden Rule in my/your daily life. To LOVE with all my/your heart, mind, strength and action, and to LOVE my/your neighbour as myself/yourself for my/your neighbour is a reflection of myself/yourself. For by this Rule all other laws and decrees are null and void.


As I travel this 40 day fast journey it dawn on me that spiritual waking is starting. Awareness of the little things taking place in the world adding up to a big event that most people are unaware of because they are living their lives. As it was in the time of Noah, they ate, drank, they when about their every day business not realizing what was coming. So is this present day, everyone is so involved with the little things in their lives that they do not notice the events that are unfolding around them and in the world that will change they lives forever. The call has gone out to awaken those you slumber. To open their eyes, their ears, and their minds to the truth that is plainly in front of them.

Everyone has a choice in life and everyone of us must respect the choices that others make whether we agree or disagree. We are not here to judge them for the decisions they made or they to judge us for what we believe in whether it is right or wrong. Our job in life is to grow from the experiences we have encountered and learn from them. If we do not believe in something and we stand by it without condemning other then we have not harm anyone. All of us has the right to speak what we believe in without forcing our believes on other. The best way to show our believes is to live it every day.

23/06/2012 04:05 AM
Enough is Enough. I am tired and I am going to take what I want. I don’t know how I am going to do this, one thing for sure I am going to get what I want. There is nothing on this planet that is going to stop me from having that which I desire the most in this life. Figuring out how to go about it will be interesting, adventures, and damn right stupid but I have nothing to loose except my life and what is it worth if I do nothing and let go of the only thing in my life that has any true meaning which has touched the core of my soul in ways that only those who have experience it knows what that feeling is. Am I crazy maybe but you have to be crazy to get what you want out of life. What does an Alpha Male do but fight for his status, his position, his leadership and for his Alpha Female to the death. I am at the point I don’t give a dam ass what people say or think or do. Am I dangerous you bet your sweet ass I am, only to those who get in my way of getting what I want and that is my Alpha Queen the only living thing that will make me whole again. How can you let go of someone who touches your soul, for once the soul is touched by another soul they are joined together and there is nothing on earth except death that can separate them and even that is questionable because parts of the soul is still attached to the other soul.. Yes you can break the heart where the soul lives and the soul can bleed out per say but part of the soul is still attached to the other even if being ripped from the other soul. It really depends on how deep the two souls have merge together for if the souls become one even if one soul dies the other soul is never the same again it is only marching time and waiting to die for there is nothing left or anything out there that can truly touch the soul again but is left with a big hole which nothing can fill it. Yes another soul can come in but the hole is just to big to fill however it does bring some comfort and relieve to the other soul for the time beginning. I am the soul that was attempted to be ripped out of the other’s soul but all that was done was cause a rip in my soul where the soul just bleeds out. How fast do the soul Bleeds out depends how big the hole. If the soul is jointed to the other soul so securely that it can not be ripped off but at tear happens, the soul can repair itself but if the rip or tear has outward pressure on it and if it is still being pulled on, the soul can not heal and it slowly bleeding out and with time will die but with the soul’s death a tumor is formed on the other soul and slowly over time the other soul will die never really having or being happy in life.

23/06/2012 04:05 AM
Enough is Enough. I am tired and I am going to take what I want. I don’t know how I am going to do this, one thing for sure I am going to get what I want. There is nothing on this planet that is going to stop me from having that which I desire the most in this life. Figuring out how to go about it will be interesting, adventures, and damn right stupid but I have nothing to loose except my life and what is it worth if I do nothing and let go of the only thing in my life that has any true meaning which has touched the core of my soul in ways that only those who have experience it knows what that feeling is. Am I crazy maybe but you have to be crazy to get what you want out of life. What does an Alpha Male do but fight for his status, his position, his leadership and for his Alpha Female to the death. I am at the point I don’t give a dam ass what people say or think or do.  Am I dangerous you bet your sweet ass I am, only to those who get in my way of getting what I want and that is my Alpha Queen the only living thing that will make me whole again. How can you let go of someone who touches your soul, for once the soul is touched by another soul they are joined together and there is nothing on earth except death that can separate them and even that is questionable because parts of the soul is still attached to the other soul.. Yes you can break the heart where the soul lives and the soul can bleed out per say but part of the soul is still attached to the other even if being ripped from the other soul. It really depends on how deep the two souls have merge together for if the souls become one even if one soul dies the other soul is never the same again it is only marching time and waiting to die for there is nothing left or anything out there that can truly touch the soul again but is left with a big hole which nothing can fill it. Yes another soul can come in but the hole is just to big to fill however it does bring some comfort and relieve to the other soul for the time beginning. I am the soul that was attempted to be ripped out of the other’s soul but all that was done was cause a rip in my soul where the soul just bleeds out. How fast do the soul Bleeds out depends how big the hole. If the soul is jointed to the other soul so securely that it can not be ripped off but at tear happens, the soul can repair itself but if the rip or tear has outward pressure on it and if it is still being pulled on, the soul can not heal and it slowly bleeding out and with time will die but with the soul’s death a tumor is formed on the other soul and slowly over time the other soul will die never really having or being happy in life.

To See Yourself as Who You Are

I have a very close friend who wisdom and insight I cherish. She said to overcome the challenges in our lives we need to face them and honestly deal with them. Funny as I look at my fears they are real nothing at all but the great imagation of our subconscious reflecting what we truly fear which is nothing. The expectiations I have for myself is greater then those of others who have for me.. For if I have a greater and higher expectation of others I would be disappointed every time. It is better to learn about others expectations they have for themselves and learn to cheer for them as they become greater then themselves. I have learned amazing lessons about people and about myself in these last two years. One live life to the fullest, go after what you want out of life, strive to be the best that you can be but always keep an open mind, to grow is one thing but to blossom is better, for then you are not being selfish with what you know for the beauty that is seem when one blossoms are so beautiful and rare of a sight that people are blessed by it. I no longer look at people as flesh and blood but as a spirits created by God to reflect His perfect purpose and image of Himself, a loving caring giving God that He has prestoned on us for His glory by giving us the power of creation within us to create what ever we want out of life. This is where free choice comes into play. We can choose anything in our lives whether it be good or bad, positive or negative, we create our world by the way we think, feel and live but more by our thought patterns then by any other actions for our actions really come from our thoughts for what we think of the most becomes our reality. We have free range to choose how we can deal with our thoughts, our actions and the actions of other who come in contact with our thoughts and the world we have created for ourselves. We can allow others thoughts, opinions, and actions to control us and shape us into the person we do not want to be or take control of the environment that we live in by taking control of our reality through our thoughts of who we really want to be in this life. I have chosen to be different to exercise my right of choice to be different, to think of myself as a spiritual person created in God image to accomplish greater things in my life. If that accomplishment is to save just one soul in my life then it would be worth it.


We all come into this world the same way in total innocence of everything around us. Then we start to learn, in that learning process we learn about ourselves by interaction with people, things and the world in general. Along the way we are told lies, we even tell ourselves lies, people tell us lies, the world tells lies to the point we believe in the lies. The lie may cause us to hurt ourselves mental, emotionally, and sometimes physically. We tell ourselves the lies over and over and we believe it. We are not good enough, you can’t do that, you are unworthy, she/he will never love me/you, we are not smart enough, you can never be rich and have a good life, and the list goes on. It is realizing that the lies are there when we have been program over an along period of time to believe the lies. We can’t undo what we learn without help to see the truth so that we can reprogram ourselves to think the right way. If we want to change we need to replace our thought process. If we want good things to come into our lives then we must invoke the law of creation. We need to speak, think and action physically, mentally these things we want and seem them as completed with all the emotion that can be forcefully put forth in our mind for it is the mind that creates. 99% is of the mind to create and 1% is action. What ever we want we have to see in our heart, mind and soul as completed.
Faith is believing in what can not be seen or touch. Faith is that which can not be seen or touch, it is outside the realm of space and time.

Learn The Truth of Christianity

What most christian and the world are told and taught in regards to the Bible, to Christ and how all of this has come about has been a manipulation of the truth of who you truly are. Those who created this illusion and manifestation of the world and the stories that are left behind from our forefather have corrupted the message of the Christ, the Bible and the religions of the world.

To better understand the message which I have written about many times has also have been influence by what I have learned. But this is a journey of learning who we truly are and to the messages that have been passed down to us by are forefather to help us become what we were meant to be.

What you are about to watch is the true understanding what the Christ, the disciples of Christianity, the Bible, the Gnostics, many other books and writings of ancient days of old told us how, where, why we are here. The video you will be watching will touch on the human body and how the ancient writing explain how the body work before there were doctors, or scientists which these doctors and scientists of today have confirmed to be true.

Please keep an open mind and see the wisdom behind this message.

Once you have watch this video you now have the ability to search for the rest of the story which is out there with a more understanding how the information is brought to you in story format in all the ancient books, writings about who you are, how everything works and that the awakening is all about. You are now a part of this great awakening. Go forth and learn, and share what you have learned.


Shared on April 14, 2023 on LinkedIn

In the interest of getting the conversation going on the viability of Alberta Independence, we are sharing an article that came out on March 2019 in the Roughneck magazine, before our now infamous federal elections. The writer interviews “an Albertan of some repute” and gets their take on the viability of independence. There are very interesting points raised and I am sure that they will promote some great discussion.

We would like to thank Scott Jeffrey for allowing us to share this article.

Shared with permission.

The Alberta Independence Interview (The Roughneck Magazine, March/April 2019 )

Editor’s Note: In February, Roughneck Magazine was invited to interview an Albertan of some repute. It was a journalist’s dream. The subject was Alberta independence, focussing on the mechanics of two aspects of independence, and the answers wouldn’t be political. The interviewee would be blunt. Given the subject matter and the position and candor of the insider, the identity of this person is withheld. With permission, the answers have been edited for grammar, with minor changes to phrasing, to protect this person’s identity.]

1. You’re open to talk about the mechanics of Alberta’s independence, and that’s where I’d like to focus but, just as an introduction, how likely do you think Alberta’s independence is?

The political answer is that independence is up to the people; if they want it, they’ll push for it. But I think it’s highly likely in the next 10 years. I remember when Czechoslovakia split up in ’91 or ’92, and the leadership there thought independence was inevitable if support for it held at 15 percent. And it did. And at the height of independence sentiment in 1992 support was still only 36 percent. Well, support for Alberta independence has been five points over the 15 percent threshold consistently for years now. The latest Angus Reid poll, done February 2019, has Albertan support for independence at 50 percent. That’s way beyond a tipping point.

Remember that it’s not just popular will that delivers independence, it’s the ability to get things done across both entities; democratic cooperation, that breaks down as cohesion breaks down. So, by the time independence support crested at 36 percent in what’s now the Czech Republic, the practical functioning of government across the two entities, of Czech and Slovak, had already, culturally, been badly undermined. The actual separation was then just formalizing what was already happening in the Czechoslovakian government.

Popular support for independence is already well above critical mass, and the cultural divide that drives it is already well established and well known. Now it’s just a question of time.

2. The cultural divide, witnessed in Parliamentary dysfunction, seems to be getting worse under Trudeau.

You say worse, but if the goal is getting Canada out of Alberta, then Trudeau’s been a good thing for us. But yes, the divide is bigger now than even four years ago. All the reasons that spurred the Western Canada Concept, and then the Reform Party of Canada, and the infamous Firewall letter, and on it goes. It’s just that now we’ve got a Federal Government actively trying to impoverish Alberta. I mean, it’s not subtle anymore.

There were a lot of us in the system then, as now, who held our noses in dealing with Canada. In the last few years, some are quietly positioning new options, we still must deal with Canada all the time, but now it’s not ‘hold your nose and give it,’ so much as ‘hold your nose and prep to take it back.’ That’s a recent change.

Politicians have repeatedly claimed that Albertan independence would be a disaster – Bernier recently called it a disaster. There’s the idea out there that separation is risky and difficult. Is that fair, or does it reflect ulterior motives in Canada?

Well, that’s just it, the ones calling for panic are the ones whose positions are at risk. For Alberta, separation isn’t complicated, it’s not difficult. Sure, it’ll take time to sort out, a lot of work for the bureaucrats. But it’s volume of work, not risk. It’s staying within Canada that’s risky. If what we’ve endured under Trudeau in the last few years, with no hint of help from eastern Canada, no support at all, and this is just the start of it so there’s no let-up coming -that’s what we’re in for forever with Canada. Getting rid of that is work, yes, but it lowers our risk and boosts our opportunity.


3. Canada would expect Alberta to absorb some portion of Canadian debt at independence. What’s fair?

What’s fair is paying Alberta’s share of what Alberta’s responsible for. Should we pay for all the largesse lavished on east-ern Canada? I don’t think so. We voted against all that. We shouldn’t pay the costs of the cartels or the subsidies to eastern industry, outfits like Bombardier, Power Corp., SNC — we didn’t authorize any of that, we fought hard against it, so there isn’t any basis for us paying for it. These things are what Canada wanted, they’re what Canada’s responsible for; they’ll be paid by Canada.

Let’s remember that because of our population, relative to eastern Canada, Alberta has never been able to overrule Canada in any legislation. We’ve never had our way, so to speak. In this, there’s nothing that we’ve received that we’re both responsible for and have benefitted disproportionately at the expense of eastern Canada.

Federal debt is now about $161.0 billion. If we say that Alberta was responsible for, say, 15 percent of the debt incurred by eastern Canada — an amount that’s arguably generous already- then Alberta’s share of Federal debt is $10.7 billion. [Ed.: $161.0 B /4.3 million (AB population) = $71.6B, times 15% = $10.7B]

There are other ways to calculate it, like arguing a zero Alberta portion due to offsetting factors — such as the incredible NEP damage in the 1980’s for instance. Likewise, it could also be argued that while Albertans them-selves were demonstrably opposed to most eastern spending schemes, their representatives were complicit in some of them. Alberta’s responsibility for Federal dept could go over 17 percent or even 20 percent of nominal per capita share. [Ed.: being $10.7 B at 15%, $12.2B at 17%, and $14.3B at 20%]. But that’s still only about three grand per head, even at the top end of the range. [Ed.; being per capita $2,497.30 at 15%, $2,830.27 at 17%, and $3,329.73 at 20%].

Inflation adjustment would be negligible, around a quarter billion, assuming an average rate of about two and a half percent per year since 1984. Regardless of where in the range the debt allocation figure lands, the balance will be workable. Indeed, it will be a big reduction in Alberta’s debt burden.

4. Federal debt figures don’t include outstanding federal balances owing to provincial governments. Throughout the year, there are usually significant balances owing back and forth, in areas like federal contribution to specific projects, or provincial contribution to federal initiatives. Equalization balances are also excluded from federal debt figures. What would be the most likely calculation in these areas?

The largest of these items is the equalization balance. Under Canadian rule, the most productive provinces have had their wealth confiscated for redistribution to less productive provinces. As with federal debt, Alberta hasn’t been able to stop these confiscations. Frankly, we couldn’t stop them if every Albertan MP voted to do so. In this, these sums have not been democratically reallocated; they have been coercively confiscated. That’s a pretty big difference at law.

As a starting point, Alberta is entitled to the difference between the sums taken by Canada and the value received from Canada in return. On average, since 1984, Alberta has lost a net $14.0B per year in equalization payments. During boom years, the loss has been as high as $22.0B per year. The total non-inflation adjusted equalization debt owed by eastern Canada to Alberta in 2019 is $490.0B. As with federal debt, the inflation adjustment is notable but not unwieldy, at about $12.0B [Ed.: being $11.86B at 2.42% inflation]. The total owed to Alberta is about $502.0B [Ed.: $501,858,000,000].

Keep in mind that, as with federal debt, Alberta had no say in how our equalization money was being spent by eastern Canada. It could be argued that Alberta cannot be held accountable for spending decisions made with respect to Alberta’s equalization money when those decisions were made in defiance of Alberta’s demonstrated political will. That’s a tighter case to make, but in the heat of independence negotiations, you can count on it being made. Obviously, that kind of calculation would increase further the amount owing to Alberta. The other items, the various contributions by the federal government to Alberta or vice versa for various projects, would likely be a wash and would vary year-to-year, making specific calculations difficult. We should assume that some clearing of balances will be needful between the parties at negotiation but, as noted in the figures above, the net would be dramatically in Alberta’s favor.

5. In “Alberta’s favor” is relative politically. When considering both the federal debt negotiation and the equalization balance negotiation, where would Alberta be at the end of negotiation?

We will be owed approximately $490.0B at independence [Ed.: $490.0B equalization balance + $12.0B inflation adjustment, less $12.0B Alberta share of federal debt = $490.0B recoverable].

6. Would independent Alberta have its own currency and, if so, would it be vulnerable to hyperinflation?

Yes, Alberta would have its own currency. To say otherwise is to assume Alberta would willingly cede control of monetary policy to a foreign country. Canada, after losing Alberta, would be financially unstable and, while we could hard peg to the US dollar, that prospect is politically challenging, and I think it’s unlikely.

We could also just dollarize directly; that is, use USD as the currency. This is done more than you know. Zimbabwe is a de facto USD economy, as is Ecuador, and El Salvador. Not that Alberta would have the standing of El Salvador, but as a backstop, we could dollarize even as a transition to independence — to insulate from CAD instability. It’s possible, workable as a transition step but, again, it’s unlikely given the political situation and the fact that Alberta is quite capable of managing its own currency.

As to hyperinflation, there’s been talk about an Albertan currency being atypically susceptible to hyperinflation due to energy dominance in our national economy. Much of this talk comes from Canada, with an obvious interest in preventing an Albertan currency. When considering other energy-dominant economies, the hyperinflation argument falls flat. The UAE, for instance, has had an average inflation rate of about three percent for the last decade. Saudi Arabia’s inflation rate has been about 3.5 percent for 10 years now. Kuwait has also enjoyed about three percent inflation in the decade, and they achieved that in a war zone. In 2019, Kuwaiti inflation is 0.2 percent. That’s not hyperinflation. That’s inflation to brag about. And Alberta’s energy sector comprises 26 percent of the economy [Ed.: in 2013], whereas in the UAE or Saudi Arabia or in Kuwait the sector is more dominant than in Alberta. Energy in Kuwait contributes 37 percent to GDP (gross domestic product).

The supposed inevitability of hyper-inflation of an Albertan currency is nonsense, floated about by people who should know better, and often do, and so they’re just scaremongering. It has no basis in reality.

7. Given the size of Canada’s debt to Alberta, what is the likelihood of repayment?

It’s basically zero chance. Canada can’t break even right now and that with $14.0B of Alberta’s money every year. Getting Alberta’s money back after independence means that Canada would have to cut its annual spending by $14.0B just to balance, then cut another $10.0B to $20.0B from the budget to pay its debts to Alberta. That’s not only unrealistic, it would be revolutionary in some places, especially Quebec. They’ll think it rough enough that they can’t take from us what they want but telling Quebecers that they must pay back what they’ve already taken, I mean, you’d have riots. Actual riots. No chance.

8. So, the Canadian debt to Alberta is just a notional debt?

No, no. We can get our money back, just not in capital transfers. It’d likely be a land-for-debt-relief deal. We zero Canada’s debt to Alberta, they cede most of British Columbia to Alberta. We call it even.

9. What do you say to the objection that’s sure to be made, that Canada wouldn’t even consider a land-for-debt-relief agreement?

That’s true. Canada won’t like it, won’t want to accept it, and won’t even consider it. But at independence, they won’t have much choice. Look, Canada is largely lit by Alberta’s natural gas. We transport the stuff in pipelines all the way to Quebec before the lines turn south into the US. [Ed.: TransCanada mainline and others]. That’s leverage. They know if negotiations go sour, we can turn out the lights. Worse, when we turn out the lights, they go out in New York too — that’s where Alberta’s natural gas ends up. So, the US has incentive to push Canada to clear its debt to Alberta. And they would be. In practice, nobody needs to actually turn the lights out. It’s the power to do so and the prospect of Alberta doing it that incentivizes repayment. That’s leverage.

And it goes on. At independence, the Canadian budget will be over $20.0B in deficit and its debt will be north of $620.0B. Canada has no way to pay that and the markets know it. At independence, the real crisis is at the federal Treasury, with an almost immediate crashing Canadian dollar. Think of all the corporate debts denominated in C$. Think of the massive wealth evaporating by the billions and that by the hour! No, Canada will badly need stability, and they’ll need to reach it within weeks. That’s leverage, right? That’s our position. We come to the table with all the cards. Canada comes cap-in-hand.

On the day after independence, Alberta’s doing fine. It’s Canada in crisis. We’ve got Canada cornered. In this crisis, we can drive a deal that they’d never accept now. We can get them to repay all they’ve taken from us, every stolen cent, in a land deal that clears their debt and gives Alberta open access to the Pacific.

10. How would Albertan independence affect BC?

Well, the land-for-debt-relief deal would absorb most of BC into Alberta. The remnant of BC would be Vancouver Island plus the old GVRD [Ed.: Lower Mainland] as far as Hope. This has been evaluated in some detail, quietly. The borders would be around the Hope Slide area in the south, the Coquihalla Pass and Britannia Beach on the north side, and the Okeover Arm at Lund on the west side, with the border extending up Johnston Strait. The Canadian portion of BC would be like Monaco or Kaliningrad or the Vatican City; separated from the rest of Canada but possessing the population and economic base, and connection to Asia-Pacific, to be viable as its own provincial or territorial jurisdiction.

One should note that the ceded portion of BC won’t miss the remnant much. With only a few pockets, the rest of BC tends to resent the dominance of Victoria/Vancouver. That most of BC is an afterthought to the part of BC that runs everything is a big issue. The sky-high taxes, the stifling regulation, the needlessly lowered standards of living — I mean, all of this would go. BC would be freed with Alberta. Let’s be clear here — I think BC is an economic powerhouse just waiting to happen. That can’t happen with the socialists running the place. But carving off the most leftist parts, letting them run their own little fiefdom without bothering the rest of us, and letting the rest of BC prosper; well, that’s win-win for BC and Alberta.

11. Alberta has run budget surpluses from 1995 – 2008, then a series of deficits since then. What happens to Alberta’s provincial debt at independence?

If the provincial government does nothing to change the structure of Alberta’s debt — that is, to redenominate debt in, say, USD at the rollover of each tranche, then if the Canadian dollar goes into freefall when the markets react to Ottawa’s inability to balance anything without Alberta, then our debt becomes easy to pay back. A hyperinflating C$, when the rest of Alberta is either on USD as an interim, or otherwise on an Albertan currency, has the effect of reducing the actual debt. Now, I’m not advocating this, because the Albertan debt is owed largely to Albertans. But to the question, the domestic debt does become a non-issue if our government does nothing to hedge against a falling C$.

That said, the government of Alberta has already thought it through and isn’t without plans to deal with it. We may dollarize to USD as an interim step anyway, so the actual debt won’t be affected much.

The current thinking is that about a year after independence, once markets have calmed and Canada’s got itself sorted, that Alberta could monetize the provincial debt. That is, as all government debt is taken on behalf of the people, it is within the right of government to allow the citizens to repay their portion of provincial debt at their leisure. So, they can pay it off right away if they wanted to, or they could just float a boat, pay interest, and roll it over as the government does now on their behalf. Either way, it becomes their choice. On taxes, we’d ensure reductions equivalent to interest on that debt, so from a taxpayer perspective, there is no increase in their costs.

12. Provincial debt is just over $2,000 right now, per capita. That’s not a freak show. We can do this.

One more thing — right now there are only five nations on earth with zero debt and only three countries with no debt. Within a year of independence, Alberta would join that exclusive club of incredibly wealthy countries. We’d be the only debt-free country in the Americas. That’s a massive advantage. You thought the Klein era Alberta Advantage was a big deal? An independent Alberta would be the envy of the Earth.

Aboriginal Relations

13. On Aboriginal relations, Canada is funding the reserve system right now but that would obviously change with independence. How would Alberta handle the Aboriginal file on its own?

The present system is unsustainable. It’s expensive and divisive. It makes an entire racial group dependent on hand-outs from other racial groups. It allocates rights and responsibilities based on race. We can’t continue legitimizing the notion of a preferred race of people.

It’s the 21st century … we’ve got to fix this. There’s general agreement that we need to move from race-based policy to racial equality, it’s the specifics of how to get there that not all of us agree with.

14. The status of natives in Canada is established at law, but even if Canadian law no longer applies in an independent Alberta, isn’t the province still bound by treaties?

You could say the same thing about US law before the civil war. At law, blacks could be owned by whites as slaves. The purchase of a black person as a slave was a legal contract, signed by the auctioneer who sold the slave — I mean, it was a legal contract, established by legislation and recognized by the Courts. But slavery was also barbaric, inhuman. It was the product even then of a bygone age. It took a civil war to end slavery, but the comparative for Alberta is that all slave ownership contracts were nullified by federal legislation, starting with the Emancipation Proclamation.

We are not required to perpetuate the sins of history. Racism is obsolete, and I’m being charitable in terms. The idea that Alberta would be required to cement racial privilege is nonsensical. No, we would do our own Emancipation Proclamation, and we’d ensure that Indigenous Peoples previously relegated to reserves are assisted through the transition to full and equal citizenship.

15. Those enjoying privilege in the current system aren’t likely to give it up willingly. How do you see the transition happening?

The mechanics of transition is where there’s disagreement. I think in general, we’re looking at a multi-year transition, with roughly equal increments, year-by-year, so that by the end there is no difference in treatment or rights between the races.

Reserve lands will have to be apportioned to Aboriginal members, within the transition terms. Each person will own their own land. No more communal ownership as a reserve. There will need to be preclusions on sale of First Nations lands for a set period, to ensure that the transition doesn’t result in a short-term bump in prosperity followed by long-term poverty. Instead of old reserves, there’ll be new municipalities.

Some reserves are on valuable lands — those adjacent to major cities, for instance. Other reserves are on economically marginal land. Apportioning directly to band members would make some Aboriginals incredibly wealthy and others incredibly poor. To solve this, some form of pooling is needed.

Personally, I favor apportionment on a 70 percent reserve land allocation to band members, with 30 percent of reserve land pooled in a trust, with the trust owned by each Albertan Aboriginal with equity allocated based on average income in the previous years. But there are other ways of apportionment. The key is that race-based land ownership is dismantled in such a way as to ensure viability of remote communities and equal treatment of all Indigenous Peoples through the process.

Other privilege areas, such as race quotas, special rights for certain races, special courts and special legal treatment for some races — that will all come to an end. Obviously, the Department of Indian Affairs will be not duplicated in an independent Alberta. We wouldn’t tolerate a Department of White People or special doorways for “coloreds.” This one bugs me. It’s high time we buried bigotry. Independence is an opportunity to do just that.

16. Canada and much of the international community would regard equality as harmful, and the status quo as honorable. Wouldn’t Alberta get push-back on ending privilege?

Canada couldn’t afford its reserve system after Alberta’s independence. Where would the money come from? With tightened budgets, with everyone out east screaming about their missing subsidies, how much sympathy do you think racial privilege will get? Look, right now in an immigrant-heavy city like Toronto there’s not much tolerance for special race rights for Aboriginals. Special race rights were once commonly accepted, but immigration has changed the math. The fact is that most immigrants in Canada come from places with genuine hardship, oppression They know what unfairness looks like. They’ve lived it. And from that experience, they know that special status for First Nations isn’t fair on every-one else, and it’s not fair on Aboriginals either, in that it raises generations of angry, resentful people.

After independence, for financial reasons, and buttressed by unsympathetic immigrant communities, Canada will be doing the same unwind of race-based Bantustans as we’ll be.

17. Your comments suggest, the detail in them, suggests that in, say, certain groups of influence there has been more than casual consideration of independence. Can you comment on the extent of discussions taking place on the inside?

No, sorry. That’s more than I’ll say. Every government has contingency plans, every corporation, every enterprise, if they’re any good at what they’re doing they’ll know what’s just ahead of the horizon, and they’ll have contingency plans in place for everything. That’s what it takes to position Alberta to ride something out, to recover from something or, in this case, to position us for a future that’s a lot brighter, freer, more prosperous and more just than anything we’ve had under Canadian control.

18. Is independence inevitable?

No. Albertans are solidly democratic. If Albertans want to let Canada stay in Alberta, then that’s it, there’s no independence. On the other hand, if things keep going as they are, if our energy is still landlocked in a few years’ time, then it’s a lot more likely that Albertans will be pushing harder for independence. Canadians won’t have much of a say either, it’ll be about getting their country out of our country, and it could happen a lot faster than you think.

19. What would you say to Canadians upset at the prospect of an independent Alberta?

Welcome to the revolution.


What is happening in the world is coming to pass. All that has been hidden is being revealed. From children sacrifice to flat earth, hollow earth, multi universes, aliens, hologram realities, creation of man, lost history, multi parallel realities, dome earth, and all the lies that have been placed as veils over our minds causing humanity not to see, hear, feel, comprehend with our minds the truth of our existence as to who we are, why we exist, where we came from, what is the purpose of our existence.

Those who are awaken are shocked by the vastness of the lie and lies on top of lies that everything in reality is a lie. Nothing what has been taught, or learned is true but a lie build on lies on top of lies.

Once you stop yourself for a moment in your reality to do critical thinking, you see the truth of what this existence is and that is was never meant to be for the initial design has been so corrupted beyond recognition that we have to put together the broken pieces into a puzzle piece to come to the real truth of who we are, what we are, where we are, when it happen, and how is all happen.

Going through this journey of discovery is very painful, bring with it anguish, anxiety, anger, and phobias to the truth or lie.

The only solution to this is to recognize that everything is a lie. A lie mixed into the truth and that one must be open to everything with an open mind, looking at all possibilities by stepping back for a moment doing critical thinking by analyzing very nuance of data information into a picture of complete comprehensive understanding of the true existence.

Learn The Truth of Christianity

What most christian and the world are told and taught in regards to the Bible, to Christ and how all of this has come about has been a manipulation of the truth of who you truly are. Those who created this illusion and manifestation of the world and the stories that are left behind from our forefather have corrupted the message of the Christ, the Bible and the religions of the world.

To better understand the message which I have written about many times has also have been influence by what I have learned. But this is a journey of learning who we truly are and to the messages that have been passed down to us by are forefather to help us become what we were meant to be.

What you are about to watch is the true understanding what the Christ, the disciples of Christianity, the Bible, the Gnostics, many other books and writings of ancient days of old told us how, where, why we are here. The video you will be watching will touch on the human body and how the ancient writing explain how the body work before there were doctors, or scientists which these doctors and scientists of today have confirmed to be true.

Please keep an open mind and see the wisdom behind this message.

Once you have watch this video you now have the ability to search for the rest of the story which is out there with a more understanding how the information is brought to you in story format in all the ancient books, writings about who you are, how everything works and that the awakening is all about. You are now a part of this great awakening. Go forth and learn, and share what you have learned.


I’m here to explain what the meaning of the universe or creation is, for there are many universes and many creations. Let’s say how to explain this is, let’s take an imagine, you’re looking at a pond that is infinity it goes forever, what is the pond? It is all creation that pond its calm, clear and smooth like a mirror and you can see your self, in the reflection of yourself. Now drop a pebble into the pond, the pebble hits the calm clear smooth pond and causes a disturbance within the pond, what you are seeing is a thought that is hitting the creation of nothingness, that thought when hitting the pond causes such a disturbance that It causes a rippling effect sending out into the calm smooth clear pond a wave how far that rippling effect goes is how strong the thought is. The thought that came from the source into all creation of nothingness is creating something. If you look closer at the pebble which is the thought that hit the pond what happened is the ripping affect is happening but also there is another rippling effect that we are putting in fact is what’s happening as the thought or pebble hits the water of the pond the water is displaced and the water is forced upward and downward where the impact is also the water is forced outward in all directions even in the air and this thought which is the pebble is transform into multiple thoughts. These thoughts hits the pond water causing more ripping affects and the process continues until the pond is no longer calm but in total multiple cosmic reactions to all the thoughts looks like chaos but are really the growth of reality going in all directions just like an electric current of thoughts in your brain dancing across and though the brain. Each thought is upon another thought and so on interacting with each other creating a vibration frequency of energy causing a hologram reality with infinite realities in multiple universes and densities. This is all happening now we are the by product of that thoughts and yet those thoughts and our thoughts are still having a rippling affecting on creation because our thoughts are still creating the hologram reality in all the parallel universes, densities and the multiverse.


Claiming The Promises

As a child, a brother/sister, a Father/Mother, a follower of the Way I/You claim the fruit of the Spirit, which is LOVE, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; here there is no conflict with the law. Since I/You live by faith and action, follow and lead by the Spirit, I/You will let the Spirit guide and lead me in every part of my life. I/You will not become conceited or irritated by my/your other creators, nor will I/You be jealous of any of them. I/You always put on the full armour of Love so that I/You can stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the enemy, and I/You use every piece of the armour to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle I/You will still be standing firm. I/You put on the sturdy belt of truth and body armour of righteousness. My/Your shoes are the shoes of peace that comes from the message of salvation of Love, so I am fully prepared. Since I/You need faith in every battle to stop the fiery arrows aimed at me/you by the enemy, I/You will put on my/your helmet and take the Sword of the Spirit, which is The Word. I/You will be positive at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Spirit. I/You will stay alert and be persistent in my/your Love for all Believers in the Way everywhere, and I/You will also follow The Golden Rule in my/your daily life. To LOVE with all my/your heart, mind, strength and action, and to LOVE my/your neighbour as myself/yourself for my/your neighbour is a reflection of myself/yourself. For by this Rule all other laws and decrees are null and void.

A Life-Changing Procedure

Every morning before you start your day, and every evening at the close of the day, stand in front of the mirror in a room by yourself, look yourself in the eye (the eyes are the windows of the soul) and say, 

a. “I, Your name here, am a child of the Source Consciousness in the will of Consciousness, and can do all things through the Spirit who strengthens me. I claim the following attributes because I have the mind of Consciousness, I am Love, and although I may be seen as weak in many of these qualities I am specifically told to ‘let the weak say I am strong.’ By claiming, developing and using these qualities, I am made in the likeness of Love the person who Consciousness created me to be and will glorify Love and benefit my fellow creators.

b. “I, your name here, am an honest, intelligent, organized, responsible, committed, teachable person who is sober, loyal, and clearly understands that regardless of who signs my paycheck I am a servant of Love for I am LOVE. I am an optimistic, punctual, enthusiastic, goal-setting, smart working self-starter who is a disciplined, focused, dependable, persistent positive thinker with great self-control, and am an energetic and diligent team player and hard worker who appreciates the opportunities that has been given me, I am thrifty with the unlimited resources and apply common sense to my daily tasks. I take honest pride in my competence, appearance and manners, and am motivated to be and do my best in Love so that my healthy self-image will remain on solid ground. These are the qualities which helps and enable me to manage myself and gives me security in Love, in this reality.

c. “I, Your name here , am a compassionate, respectful encourager who is considerate, generous, gentle, patient, caring, sensitive, personable, attentive, fun-loving person. I am a supportive, giving and forgiving, clean, kind, unselfish, affectionate, loving, family-oriented human being and I am a sincere and open-minded, good listener and a good-finder, who is trustworthy. These are the qualities which enable me to build good relationships with my mate, family, friends, and neighbours.

d“I, Your name here, am a person of integrity, with the faith and wisdom from Consciousness to know what I should do and the courage and convictions to follow through. I have the vision from Love to manage myself and to lead others. I am authoritative, confident, and humbly grateful for the opportunity that has been given to me in this life. I am fair, flexible, resourceful, creative, knowledgeable, decisive and an extra-miler with a servant’s attitude who communicates well with others. I am a consistent, pragmatic teacher, with character and a finely-tuned sense of humour. I am an honourable person and am balanced in my personal life with Consciousness, family, friends and life, and have a passion for being, doing and learning more today so I can be, do and have more tomorrow to use for the benefit of humanity.

e. “These are the qualities of the winner I was born to be and I am fully committed to developing these marvellous qualities with which I have been entrusted. Tonight I’m going to sleep wonderfully well. I will dream powerful, positive dreams and wake up to a miracle. I will awaken energized and refreshed; tomorrow’s going to be magnificent and my future is unlimited. Recognizing, claiming and developing these qualities that Consciousness already has gives me a legitimate chance to be happier, healthier, more prosperous, more secure, having more friends, greater peace of mind, better family relationships and legitimate vision of the better future that will be.”

“These are the qualities of the winner I was born to be and I will develop and use these qualities to achieve worthy objectives to ascension. Today is a brand new day and it’s mine to use in a marvellously productive way.”

After 30 days, add the next step:

Choose your strongest quality and the one you feel needs the most work. Example: Strongest—honest. Needs most work—organized. On a separate 3×5 card, print “I, ___________, am a completely honest person and every day I am getting better and better organized.” Keep this 3×5 card handy and read it out loud at every opportunity for one week. Repeat this process with the second strongest quality and the second one which needs the most work. Do this until you’ve completed the entire list. Use this self-talk procedure as long as you want to get more of the things money will buy and all of the things money won’t buy.

Note: Because of some painful experiences in the past (betrayal, abuse, etc.), there might be a word or two that brings back unpleasant memories (example: discipline). Eliminate the word or substitute another word.



WHY: To become LOVE, to have a wonderful relationship with Consciousness To reflect LOVE to all who I come in contact with, showing the Love. To be united in love with one heart, one mind, one soul, one spirit. It is a great blessing to have an amazing, loving, caring, open minded, understanding and close personal relationship/friendship with Consciousness who provided for my life and my family’s life. I have abundance with unlimited possibilities of LOVING my fellow man. I have been provide with food, clothing and a home. Giving abundantly to those who are in need as the need arise, understanding that it is better to teach those who are in need to follow LOVE who will provide for our needs, by being LOVE. To show them and empower them to see, hear and understand the correct way to have abundance and a fulfilling life in LOVE. There is one thing that I am sure about and committed to is empowering people to achieve and succeed in their life in the relationship with Consciousness whether it be helped in heart, mind, spirit, body and action in Love relationships, self improve or life in general. I am looking for those who are truth seekers that I can inspire and build a relationship to built on Consciousness. My Spirit said if I help empower and inspire enough people to seek the truth about life, that I will receive what I want out of life which it a closer personal relationship with Consciousness by becoming LOVE. As Consciousness is in me and I am in Consciousness so I become LOVE through LOVE.


“Whatever you vividly imagine, envision, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon with emotion… must inevitably come to pass.” For CONSCIOUSNESS created us to be creative, and to be creators.

Success Formula. 


(desire). (decision). (emotion) (action). (repeat formula). (time). 


What is My Mission : To empower and inspire people to be creative and achieve the most that life has to offer by striving to improve their lives, by fulfilling their dreams through building a strong connecting relationships with CONSCIOUSNESS and other Believers of the Way that will give them security, freedom to choose freely what CONSCIOUSNESS wants in all areas of life creating a life we love and are passionate about. 

– LIFE – i B E L I E V E


We will serve: CONSCIOUSNESS, the Spirit who dwells within us which is us, and our fellow creators.

We will be:

-A strong and sound people for our stakeholders the believers of the Way.

-A forward-looking people with an amazing vision of thinking outside the box in positive ways.

-An extraordinary place to build relationships within a community.

-A Community who is build on Integrity and restores it daily.

– People empowering and working together as a global community for fellowship in the Way.

– People – A community and the people clearly showing how simple the Way is that it takes work by working in and with Love and being Love.

– Working – This is about effort. Work. We all have tasks to do. We are here to provide value to CONSCIOUSNESS, to mankind, to ourselves, our families and to our communities where we are building relationships.

– Together – We are an community that achieves and excel above our goals by teamwork. The more we pull together, share knowledge, the stronger we are as a team.

– One – We have a shared destiny. We succeed together. There is one Goal we help others understand and have a personnel relationship with CONSCIOUSNESS. This is a powerful concept. It make us more efficient and confident. We look for common solutions, sharing facilities, sharing services, it is all part of being “One.”

– Global – We are completely effecting our world with our global community, with our team through a global experience of rippling effects. It take only 1% of what ever population you are in to make a difference. (Example 1,000,000 people time 0.01 percent = 10,000 people will a make a difference) or (Example 100 people time 0.01 percent = 1 person that is you making a difference with those 100).

– Community – A community is a cohesive, inclusive institution. The dictionary uses words like “assemblage,” “fellowship.”

– Relationship – We are a relationship community who burned their boats, having a no quit attitude. We have built a worldwide successful team and successful Communities who empower and developing Leaders through strong personnel relationships with CONSCIOUSNESS.

– Ownership – We take ownership and responsibility for our action as a community and as individuals within the community.

See yourself there in detail, like helping and serving others, picture the area in as much detail as you can, see it as already happening in the NOW.

Your Dream, Your Why, Your Desire = Heart, Mind, Spirit, Body, Passion, Emotion and action cause you to cry = Fulfillment 


First Goal: – Life Time – Each Day – Have a deeper personal spiritual relationship with CONSCIOUSNESS by reflecting LOVE in my/your daily walk in life by achieving all that I/You can through thoughts, speech, and actions. Having the Deepest desire to becoming LOVE. My/Your sights are on LOVE on what LOVE will do through me for people, through circumstances, through resources, through ideas and increased creativity to help me/you and the people around me/you who You/I am training, mentoring, and coaching to succeed at what ever direction their thoughts, sights and minds is on. To achieve this I/You will research LOVE, every day, first thing in the morning after I/You spoken and had commune with CONSCIOUSNESS, then at night ending the day in being grateful for all that LOVE did that day giving praises and glory to Consciousness. I/You walk in LOVE with each foot steps by becoming LOVE in mind, heart, spirit, thoughts, in emotion and action. I/You think and act like LOVE putting LOVE first before all things. Being always in commune with LOVE and with CONSCIOUSNESS all day in unceasing communication. Totally dependent on CONSCIOUSNESS for everything and the results from working hard and smart to honour creation in the work CONSCIOUSNESS has given me/you.

Second Goal: I am/You are the greatest servant and lifestyle coach – Mind-Set – Mental Attitude in Life. I/You have achieve awareness and understanding of the wisdom of CONSCIOUSNESS that I/You must always be open to learning new things that LOVE shows me. Accomplishing this by using CONSCIOUSNESS game plan, duplication – qualify, pique, invite, showing CONSCIOUSNESS game plan, launch 1st week, work 3 leaders – launch 3 first week, 2 – 3 months working with new leaders in team. 

The Character of the People on My Team:

‘LOOKING FOR LEADERS ONLY’ – ‘LIKE MINDED INDIVIDUALS BETTER THEN MYSELF/YOURSELF‘. – Those who will do LOVE’S work with me/you or without me/you because they are leaders. The people that have partner up with me/you to make and achieve greatness in our/theirs lives, in our/their family lives and in our communities are:

a. “honest, intelligent, organized, responsible, committed, teachable, who are sober, loyal, and clearly understands that regardless of who signs their paycheck they are self-employed. They are an optimistic, punctual, enthusiastic, goal-setting, smart working self-starters who are a disciplined, focused, dependable, persistent, positive thinkers with great self-control, and they are an energetic and diligent team players and hard workers who appreciates the opportunity that is offers them. They are thrifty with their resources and apply common sense to their daily tasks. They take honest pride in their competence, appearance and manners, and they are motivated to be and do their best so that their healthy self-image will remain on solid ground which is LOVE’s teachings and commandments. These are the qualities which enable them to manage themselves and help give them security in a no security world.

b. “They are a compassionate, respectful encouragers who are considerate, generous, gentle, patient, caring, sensitive, personable, attentive, fun-loving people. They are a supportive, giving and forgiving, clean, kind, unselfish, affectionate, loving, family- oriented human beings and they are a sincere and open-minded good listeners and a good-finders who are trustworthy. These are the qualities which enable them to build good relationships with CONSCIOUSNESS, with their associates, neighbours, mate and family.

c. “They are a people of integrity, with the faith and wisdom to know what they should do and the courage and convictions to follow through. They have the vision to manage themselves and to lead others. They are authoritative, confident, and humbly grateful for the opportunity offers them. They are fair, flexible, resourceful, creative, knowledgeable, decisive and an extra-miler with a servant’s attitude who communicates well with others. They are consistent, pragmatic teachers with character and a finely-tuned sense of humour. They are an honourable person and they are balanced in their personal relationship with CONSCIOUSNESS, their family and in the community life, and have a passion for being, doing and learning more today so they can be, do and have more tomorrow.

d. “These are the qualities of the winner they were born to be and They are fully committed to developing these marvellous qualities with which they have been entrusted in by CONSCIOUSNESS. Tonight they are going to sleep wonderfully well. They will dream powerful, positive dreams. They will awaken to a miracle, be energized and refreshed; tomorrow’s going to be magnificent day and their future is unlimited. Recognizing, claiming and developing these qualities which they already have gives them a legitimate chance to be happier, healthier, more prosperous, more secure, having more friends, greater peace of mind, better family relationships and legitimate hope that the future will be even better.”

Third Goal: LEADERSHIP – (Life Time)

1. Self Development

Develop confident and effective Leadership skills, seeking and cultivating the strengths and greatness inside me/you and in individuals to empower, inspire and uplift.

Goal Setting, discipline master of time effectively

Focus solely on High payoff and high productivity action.

Sort, don’t sell – Looking for Leader just like myself/yourself, better then myself/yourself, who are going to serve the community with me/you or without me/you.

Review goals, priorities objectives and self development.

Fuel my body with healthy foods and physical exercise weekly creating energetic and highly effective.

Feed the mind ideas, inspiration that will support and bolster my/your passion for life which is LOVE, study the World and the truth which a lie has been placed into it.

Surround myself with peers, and mentors who envelope my/your expectations and propel me/you to rise to greater level of discipline, commitment, achievement, mindset (positive thinking), and holding me/you accountable.

See myself/yourself as a servant to my/your fellow creators. Journal, Grateful Journal, Prayer Journal, Result Journal

12 uplifting, knowledgeable, positive motivating books to read a years.

Watching and listen to positive truth videos, the truth podcast daily to work and from work.

Training events every Friday evening, Saturday morning broadcast.

Set time aside to think 30 minutes a day on what you have learned, to envision the future, positive action need to be taken.

Half a day every two weeks – reflect, review, and a just thinking

One whole day every month – possibilities

Three days every year help keep focus 

Ask questions using the 6 W’s – What Want Who When Where Why

2. Personal Character

I am/You are Integrity that I am/you are committed to personal honesty, accountability, moral responsibility to my/your character and belief system that holds to the behaviour and convictions of the purposes of creation of mankind as a living being brought forth by Consciousness.

My/Your accountability is the state of being accountable, liable, answerable for and responsibility for the state of a particular burden or obligation upon me/you who is responsible, has reliability and dependability, for a person or thing for which I am/You are responsible for. 

Accountability is that I/You take responsibility for my/your thoughts, actions and personal behaviour toward others, to myself/yourself and to the circumstances and situations that appear in my/your life because I/You created it.

Accountability involves a willingness to open myself/yourself up and share sensitive or personal information. This is why trust is so imperative. If I you sense trust, I am/you aremore open to share my/your innermost thoughts without concern of betrayal.

People relate to me/you and to each other with empathize and share an understanding heart. People feel comfortable in sharing their circumstances with me/you, and they feel totally accepted without fear of rejection or judgment. People are more ready and open to hearing the honest options of others.

My accountability partners hold me/you accountable for my/your words, goals, actions, behaviour and they called to confront me/you in gentleness, honesty, and with compassion. They also admonishes me/you, to consider that no one is above making mistakes in behaviour, actions, and dealing with situations in a calm, controlled matter.

I/You truly believe in my/your option that I/you must stand on integrity, honesty, taking responsibility for myself/yourself, my/your community and my/your behaviour to others and that I am/you are a committed individual who is loyal and clearly understands that regardless of what life throws at me/you, I am/you are responsible for the world around me/you as well as the world that I have created.

I/You strongly believe in integrity, the faith and wisdom to know what I/You should do, the courage and convictions to follow through on doing what is right. 

I/You empower people to make a difference not just in their own lives but their family’s life, in their community, and in their relationship with Consciousness by encouraging them to take a risk in heart by reaching out to help others first in LOVE and forgetting about themselves and placing the interests of others ahead of their own interests. I am/you are making a difference in the world and I/You believe that I am/You are partnering with people to achieve this.

I am/You are optimistic and enthusiastic in what ever endeavour I am/You are involved myself/yourself in. I/You set goals, am/are a smart working self starter who is a disciplined, focused, dependable, persistent positive thinker with empowerment and great self control with an energetic and diligent team player, a leader as well as a hard worker who appreciates the opportunity that come my/your way.

3. 14 Points of Personal Culture …

1. Commitment …

I/You give myself/yourself and everything I/You commit to 100% until I/You succeed. I am/You are committed to the Mission, Vision, Culture and success of my/your life not just my/your life but the lives of others, its current and future, and people at all times.

2. Ownership …

I am/You are truly responsible for my/your actions and outcomes and own everything that takes place in my/your life. I am/You are accountable for my/your results and I/You know that for things to change, first I/You must change.

3. Integrity …

I/You always speak the truth. What I/You promise is what I/You deliver. I/You only ever make agreements with myself/yourself and others that I am/You are willing and intended to keep. I communicate potential broken agreements at the first opportunity and I/You clear up all broken agreements immediately.

4. Excellence …

Good enough isn’t. I/You always deliver and services of exceptional quality that add value to all involved for the long term. I/You look for ways to do more with less and stay on a path of constant and never ending improvement and innovation.

5. Communication …

I/You speak positively of my/your fellow man, my/your friends and of myself/yourself in both public and private. I/You speak with good purpose using empowering and positive conversation. I/You never use or listen to sarcasm or gossip. I/You acknowledge what is being said as true for the speaker at that moment and I/You take responsibility for responses to my/your communication. I/You greet and farewell people using their name. I/You always apologize for any upsets first and then look for a solution. I/You only ever discuss concerns in private with the person involved.

6. Success …

I/You totally focus my/your thoughts, energy and attention on the successful outcome of whatever I am/You are doing. I am/You are willing to win and allow others to win: Win/Win. At all times, I/You display my/your inner love, prosperity, competence and personal confidence. I am/You are a successful person.

7. Education …

I/You learn from my/your mistakes. I/You consistently learn, grow and master so that I/You can help my/your fellow human beings learn, grow and master too. I am/You are an educator and allow my/your people to make their own intelligent decisions about their future remembering that it is their future. I/You impart practical and use able knowledge rather than just theory.

8. Team Work …

I am/You are a team player and team leader. I/You do whatever it takes to stay together and achieve the goals. I/You focus on co-operation and always come to a resolution, not a compromise. I am/You are flexible in my/your work and able to change if what I’m/you’re doing is not working. I/You ask for help when I/You need it and I am/You are compassionate and loving to others who ask me/you for help.

9. Balance …

I/You have a balanced approach to life, remembering that my/your spiritual, social, physical and family aspects are just as important as my/your serve and intellectual. I/You complete my/your work and my/your most important tasks first, so I/You can have quality time for Consciousness, myself/ypurself, with my/your family and also to renew. 

10. Fun …

I/You view my/your life as a journey to be enjoyed and appreciated and I/You create an atmosphere of fun and happiness so all around me/you enjoy it as well. 

11. Systems …

I/You always look to the Way system for a solution. If a challenge arises I/You use the Way correction before I/You look for a people correction. I/You use the Way system solution in my/your innovation rather than a people solution. I/You follow the Way system exactly until the new system is introduced. I/You suggest improvements at my/your first opportunity.

12. Consistency …

I am/You are consistent in myyour actions so people can feel comfortable in dealing with me/you at all times. I am/You are disciplined in my/your work so my/your results, growth and success are consistent.

13. Gratitude …

I am/You are a truly grateful person. I/You say thank-you and show appreciation often and in many ways, so that all around me know how much I/You appreciate everything and everyone I/You have in my/your life. I/You celebrate my/your wins and the wins of believers, and those who are in the Way. I/You consistently catch myself/yourself and other people doing things right …

14. Abundance …

I am/You are an abundant person, I/You deserve my/your abundance and I am/You are easily able to both give and receive it. I/You allow abundance in all areas of my/your life by respecting and honouring LOVE for my/your own self worth and that of all others. I am/You are rewarded to the level that I/You create abundance for others and I/You accept that abundance only shows up in my/your life to the level at which I/You show up.

I’m/You’re inspired to take action every day towards my/your goals.”


The reality that you are in, are of your own choosing but this would not be possible if you were not connected to the source the consciousness of all creation for you could not create anything without the source consciousness within you. So please understand that you are one with the source consciousness, the ALL, the One Who Has No Name. Every person who is from the source consciousness is becoming one again realizing this as we come closer to the end of our journey of experiencing what it means to be human in this reality that each one of us create for ourselves so that we can learn what love is, how love works, how to use love, and most importantly that we are love through our actions and thoughts as well as the words we speak or write. Once you truly 100% understand who you are and the power that you have at your command then will you know what to do for you and the source consciousness will be one in harmony. When that happen all who are in harmony with the source consciousness will be one united in cause.

Your Choice

Frequency vibration waves coming and going from you creates your reality whether it be positive or negative you have the free will to choose. Choose wisely as external forces try to influence your mind into choosing the incorrect choices by broadcasting negative frequencies into you thought process in your mind. Take control of your mind and the thoughts that come into it. Then you will make the right choices. If you don’t then be prepared for the dark energy forces to suck out of you your life/light power source bring you deeper into the darkness.


To make a difference in the world, to change where the world is heading. It will take each one of us to do something, and that is to change the way we think, how we perceive ourselves, and the world. Our mindset can no longer be just about our little world that surrounds us.

We have to grow beyond ourselves and look at what is taking place around the world from the wars that are going on to the scientific discoveries, to the way we are killing our world and ourselves, as well as the way we relate to each other’s as humans.

We can no longer be children, it is time to stop the killing of our world, the killing of ourselves, to the poisoning of ourselves with the food we eat, the air we breath.

We can no longer be a slave to this present system that places money, power and control before the lives of our fellow human beings.

Join me, take back the control by saying NO NO NO we have had enough. Through peace and love we can show the way to a more productive and meaningful life through love, peace and respect for individuals.

If we all send this message out to all our friends, could we make a difference, you better believe we can.

It comes down to this, are you willing to change you, your world, the world around you, the world as a whole.

I am, I am not afraid to take on those who seek to kill us, our world for money, power, and the control of human lives. To set ourselves free from control.





For years I have been calling out to those who would listen and only a few have heard the message. It is like the times of Christ two thousand ago where the people hunger for truth. As to this day people hunger for truth of who they are, what they are here for, what is their purpose in life, what is the meaning of life, and many more questions.

As the world spiral into chaos people are losing hope in stopping the madness that is taking place in our world. Those who are in power are causing this chaos and madness by creating a false fear in the minds of the people of the world. This false fear is about losing your life from a virus that’s not a true virus but the fear is there.

The answer in saving yourself is this that all mankind by this I mean the true humans of this world can save themselves by knowing the truth who they are. That truth is that you are the sons and daughters of the Source, the One Who Has No Name, the Creator who is a part of you from within yourselves. Know this the body that you are in is only an avatar. The real you is the spirit that is in you. That energy, power, that makes you you can not die. So understand that you are made in the image of the Source the Creator making you a creator. The world you live in and the others that are like minded have created this world we live in by an enemy who has manipulated the masses into believing a lie there by the masses as a whole hive mind has created our reality that we live in today.

You must come to the understanding that this reality is not real. Everything that you have been told, taught, thought, presented is an illusion created by you. Once you understand who you are then you will be saving yourself so stop looking for someone to save you for only you can save yourself by looking within yourself.

The steps needed to be taken on this journey:

is to understand what love is, to forgive yourself, to forgive others for the wrong they did to you, ask forgiveness of those who you wronged, kill your ego, control your emotions, take charge of your mind, what you are thinking and receiving, to be a truth seeker, asking your higher self within you for help, be eager and open minded to all possibilities, put that which seems impossible on the shelf but still being open minded, meditate on all things asking questions of your higher self.

This list is only a short list which you will add to it as you travel down the path of enlightenment. One other thing is take hate, anger, fear or any other negative thoughts or influences out of your life. Show love, kindness , empathy, understanding and be of service to others.

If you have question leave a comment.


LOVE is who The Source is and the Christ shows how LOVE works. For without love nothing would exist. To be part of LOVE we must learn what LOVE is, how LOVE works, how we fit into LOVE, and how we are LOVE. For without LOVE we are nothing. We are created in the Spirit of the Creator, so we are all part of the Creator. How does a baby learn? from trial and error that comes with the experiences of the baby’s existence. We too are babies who are gaining experiences in this existence in trials, errors and failures as well as triumph. The more that we are open to the experiences we learn what LOVE is and the more we learn what doesn’t works. The errors of missing the mark. Sin is the errors of missing the mark. What is the mark?

The mark is LOVE. What is LOVE? That is why we exist to learn what LOVE is. LOVE can not be explained in words but only in thought and action for there are no words that can do justice to the meaning or character or description of LOVE for no one know The Source’s love but the Christ, and Christ shows that love through thoughts and actions. The best we can do in words to describe LOVE was given to us in the New Testament in 1st Corinthian 13 the love chapter and yet even this falls measurably short of what LOVE is. This is what is said about love with more added to try to clarify the meaning of LOVE.

For love suffer long, love is kindness, love is not envious, love does not puff up itself, love does not have pride, love is not rude, love is not selfish, love loves, love is not resentful, love is not sin, love does not murder, love does not steal, love is not jealous, love does not hate, love speaks truth, love does not think evil, love is patience, love does not brag, love is not proud, love does not seek it’s way, love forgives always, love does not provoke, love does not take account of evil, love bears all things, love believes all things, love hopes in all things, loves endures all things, love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, love rejoice with truth, love loves unconditionally, these are the attributes and characters of our Source in Heaven which is in you without the total sum of the meaning of LOVE.

So it is true The Kingdom of Heaven has come and it is in you.

As LOVE is not complete until we return to our are Father. Then we will be completely in LOVE. It is time to grow up and be the sons and daughters of LOVE our Father the creator the One Who Has No Name, the ALL, the Source.

For we were created in love for love to become love and to create love. We have become the creators. Since our creation we have always been creators. We create today, every day and tomorrow the future with our thought just as our Father does but without the understanding what LOVE is. Do under to others as you would have them do under you. To be able to LOVE you much first love yourself.



For some reason the Message of Christ has become so populated, complicated and just plain difficult to understand the teachings. There are so many different interpretation of the Message and misleading of the truth.

Everyone thinks that they have the truths. This is why there are so many different Christian sects or denominations, churches who have come together to organize themselves into organizations that have similar belief system which enabling them to spread their truth of the Message through their teachings to the world.

The teachings of Christ is not hard to understand if you truly are seeking the truth of the Message. You just have to ask our Heavenly Father to reveal these truths. Father Christ will send you the spirit of wisdom which is your mother and she will guide you into all truth.

If you would just think for yourself, you would realize that how could 2.8 billion Christians in the world can be going to heaven. Did not Christ say that the way to the truth was a narrow path and that many are called but only a few find the path and of those who found the path only a few are chosen. How can all the Christians in the world be saved.

Christ in his own words tell you how you can save yourself. There must be something in todays churches that they are missing if only a few find the narrow path and of these only a few are chosen.

Let’s look at this as a parable. Let’s assume that what is being taught in the Christian churches today is an out right lie, well not a total lie but the truth is mixed into the lie so that the message of the Message is not being preached.

So there’s a few within the churches that doesn’t buy into or believe in the teachings and beliefs that is being preached in the church. They search the scriptures and find what is being taught is wrong and an out and out lie mixed within the truth. They bring their concerns to their leaders within the church and the leaders give them half the truth. They go away still not convinced and continues their search. They once again bring their concerns with proof in scripture to the leaders of the church and they are ostracized. They leave the church, they can’t seem to find a church that is preaching, teaching the truths of the Message.

So out of the 2.3 billion Christians in the world only 0.01 percent of them have found the truth which is the narrow path.

So they get on the narrow path but they find that the path is so narrow that only one person can travel it. It is so narrow that it is easy to fall off on to the other paths that lead back to a large path which lead to an even larger path until you are once again back into the world system and are lost for ever. For once you have learn the truth and have forsaken it how can you return to the narrow path.

This narrow path has thorn bushes, thistles, twists and turns, bumps, holes, steep inclines, cliff hangers, rocks, boulders and many other obstacles blocking the narrow path on the routine you are following.

These obstacles that are blocking the path is your cross, the cross that you have to pickup everyday, which are the things that you must die to everyday in this world. They maybe money, a job, a career, school, education, sports, watching TV, movies, women, men, pornography, cars, house, land, family, wife, children, grandchildren, cottage, vacation, savings, retirement, entertainment, yourself, ego, meme, emotions, fear, being afraid, lust, greed, envy, jealousy, hatred, manipulation, materialism, worshiping false gods, friendships, having fun, preoccupied with life and the world, deep desires, sexual pleasures, pleasing the flesh, your thoughts. At any given time you are battling these things that are blocking your way on the narrow path of truth. Anyone of these can knock you off the path on to a larger path that brings you to the path that leads you back into the world system.

You realize you are not the only one on the narrow path, the problem is your cross and those who are in front of you on that narrow path. Some will be slower then you, others faster then you, and some that are dead stop in their tracks because of the truths that have been revealed to them. Some of them will turn back, some will jump off the path on to the larger path and return to the system because the truth is to must, others who have stopped are trying to understand what has been revealed and to come to a decision whether to go on or to jump off the path because of their burden of the cross is to much or the truth is to much to bear. Those who choose to move forward are those who are chosen. Their troubles of this world and the things of this world or desire of the world system is no longer a part of them for they have died completely to it all. All they seek is the truth and to becoming Christ in obedience to Father’s will for them.

Many people out there are saying that they have the way, the truth, and the life. Like the Hebrew Root movement, the flat earthers movement, and many others. All these are here to distract those who are seeking the truth. But true truth seeker will continue on searching once they have had time to digest and understand these distractions by asking Father in heaven to guide them through all these distractions as these distractions do have pieces of the truth but they have been placed in your path to sideline you from what truly matters in life. It does not matter if you are a believer of the flat earth, sphere, concave movement, Hebrew Roots movement, the way movement, or any other movement. If it takes you away from the truth of the Message you have fallen off the narrow path.

All these distractions that are taking you away from the truth doesn’t mean a hill of beans when it comes to the truth of the Message which is the teachings of Christ. Christ explained that we live in a prison world system and to be free from this prison we must die to this world and to its system that controls us which is your cross that you carry.

This is what Christ meant and means by carry your cross by dying to yourself every waking moment. Capturing every thought that come into your mind, every desire, want, pleasure, to bring them under control and forsaking them for a higher purpose. That purpose is to be set free from this prison world by becoming Christ through LOVE. Christ said that his burden is light but few are willing to take the offer of carrying their own cross to set themselves free from this prison.

Christ said that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, in us. Christ also said that the Father is in Him and that He is in the Father and that He and the Father is in you, us. By stating this Christ has said that we are Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven is within us. Our spirit that is within you, us is part of the Father, part of Christ, part of the Kingdom of Heaven. So it is correct to say that Christ, Father, Heaven is within each one of us making us Christ. Christ say that the way, the truth and the life is through Christ. Why did Christ say this? Christ wanted everyone to know that LOVE is the key to staying on the narrow path. By loving everyone, you do not have the things of the world system controlling you. For love suffer long, love is kindness, love is not envious, love does not puff up itself, love does not have pride, love is not rude, love is not selfish, love loves, love is not resentful, love is not sin, love does not murder, love does not steal, love is not jealous, love does not hate, love speaks truth, love does not think evil, love is patience, love does not brag, love is not proud, love does not seek it’s way, love forgives always, love does not provoke, love does not take account of evil, love bears all things, love believes all things, love hopes in all things, loves endures all things, love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, love rejoice with truth, love loves unconditionally, these are the attributes and characters of our Father in Heaven which is in you. So it is true The Kingdom of Heaven has come and it is in you.

When you cooperate with the world system you are giving in, surrendering to the enemy. That enemy is satan, the one who called himself god is also know by many names as you will find out in your journey down the narrow path. He controls and rules this world. This prison world where your life giving energy is being suck out of you.

The one who controls all creation is Father of All, Sovereign One, the one who has no name. The living energy of all creation. God is a name so who is god? Satan is.

There was so much truths out there which has been lost over the eons but those truths are being found and some of the truths are found within the Bible and not just in the bible but in other sources. When you start your searching for the truth what you will find will destroy what you believe in and your beliefs system to the point that you will feel dead, lost, helpless, without meaning, wanting to do nothing. There will be pain, anguish and sorrow over this. What you will find is that you have been lied to all your life. This is the great awaking of your soul, spirit to the truth of who you are and what the world is, a prison and our body the flesh we live in is a cage that house the soul which holds our spirit. Once you/us realize that we are the children of the Father of All and that our existence is not flesh but spirit which is energy frequency then we are set free from the lies and this prison.

Once you start down this path and you find the truth there is no going back. If you turn back there is only death awaiting you and you will be recycle back into this prison world until you understand and come to the realization who you are and where you come from.

So what is the Simplicity of The Message of Christ? Have you not understand, it boils down to this, it is LOVE. Christ is love, Father is love, Heaven is love. Everything that happens in life in one form or other is to show, lead, guide you to what love it, can be, should be, and what it means to love so you can become love


A thought came to mind what about all the evil things that happen to people and to the world? Well all these things that happen which is evil is an opportunity to learn about love, to show love, to reflect love to those who have been given evil whether it is you or someone else receiving the evil which if you spell evil backwards it spells live. To live in this evil world is to learn how to love which is overcoming all that is living in this world is.

What can be more simply then to love. To love yourself first, second to love your fellow human being as yourself for if you love yourself how can you do evil to someone else if you love.

These truths are self evidence that love is the key to understanding who you are, what you are, why you are, where you are and how you are.

If anything can be simpler to understand is that love makes the world go round a pun but true in its form. Without love nothing would exist. Once you understand what love is then you become love, everything chances in your life and you are free.

Share this: When you look into the mirror what do you really see.



LOVE is who The Source is and the Christ shows how LOVE works. For without love nothing would exist. To be part of LOVE we must learn what LOVE is, how LOVE works, how we fit into LOVE, and how we are LOVE. For without LOVE we are nothing. We are created in the Spirit of the Creator, so we are all part of the Creator. How does a baby learn? from trial and error that comes with the experiences of the baby’s existence. We too are babies who are gaining experiences in this existence in trials, errors and failures as well as triumph. The more that we are open to the experiences we learn what LOVE is and the more we learn what doesn’t works. The errors of missing the mark. Sin is the errors of missing the mark. What is the mark?

The mark is LOVE. What is LOVE? That is why we exist to learn what LOVE is. LOVE can not be explained in words but only in thought and action for there are no words that can do justice to the meaning or character or description of LOVE for no one know The Source’s love but the Christ, and Christ shows that love through thoughts and actions. The best we can do in words to describe LOVE was given to us in the New Testament in 1st Corinthian 13 the love chapter and yet even this falls measurably short of what LOVE is. This is what is said about love with more added to try to clarify the meaning of LOVE.

For love suffer long, love is kindness, love is not envious, love does not puff up itself, love does not have pride, love is not rude, love is not selfish, love loves, love is not resentful, love is not sin, love does not murder, love does not steal, love is not jealous, love does not hate, love speaks truth, love does not think evil, love is patience, love does not brag, love is not proud, love does not seek it’s way, love forgives always, love does not provoke, love does not take account of evil, love bears all things, love believes all things, love hopes in all things, loves endures all things, love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, love rejoice with truth, love loves unconditionally, these are the attributes and characters of our Source in Heaven which is in you without the total sum of the meaning of LOVE.

So it is true The Kingdom of Heaven has come and it is in you.
As LOVE is not complete until we return to our are Father. Then we will be completely in LOVE. It is time to grow up and be the sons and daughters of LOVE our Father the creator the One Who Has No Name, the ALL, the Source.

For we were created in love for love to become love and to create love. We have become the creators. Since our creation we have always been creators. We create today, every day and tomorrow the future with our thought just as our Father does but without the understanding what LOVE is. Do under to others as you would have them do under you. To be able to LOVE you much first love yourself.

The Message

For some reason the Message of Christ has become so populated, complicated and just plain difficult to understand the teachings. There are so many different interpretation of the Message and misleading of the truth.

Everyone thinks that they have the truths. This is why there are so many different Christian sects or denominations, churches who have come together to organize themselves into organizations that have similar belief system which enabling them to spread their truth of the Message through their teachings to the world.

The teachings of Christ is not hard to understand if you truly are seeking the truth of the Message. You just have to ask our Heavenly Father to reveal these truths. Father Christ will send you the spirit of wisdom which is your mother and she will guide you into all truth.

If you would just think for yourself, you would realize that how could 2.8 billion Christians in the world can be going to heaven. Did not Christ say that the way to the truth was a narrow path and that many are called but only a few find the path and of those who found the path only a few are chosen. How can all the Christians in the world be saved. 

Christ in his own words tell you how you can save yourself. There must be something in todays churches that they are missing if only a few find the narrow path and of these only a few are chosen.

Let’s look at this as a parable. Let’s assume that what is being taught in the Christian churches today is an out right lie, well not a total lie but the truth is mixed into the lie so that the message of the Message is not being preached.

So there’s a few within the churches that doesn’t buy into or believe in the teachings and beliefs that is being preached in the church. They search the scriptures and find what is being taught is wrong and an out and out lie mixed within the truth. They bring their concerns to their leaders within the church and the leaders give them half the truth. They go away still not convinced and continues their search. They once again bring their concerns with proof in scripture to the leaders of the church and they are ostracized. They leave the church, they can’t seem to find a church that is preaching, teaching the truths of the Message. 

So out of the 2.3 billion Christians in the world only 0.01 percent of them have found the truth which is the narrow path.

So they get on the narrow path but they find that the path is so narrow that only one person can travel it. It is so narrow that it is easy to fall off on to the other paths that lead back to a large path which lead to an even larger path until you are once again back into the world system and are lost for ever. For once you have learn the truth and have forsaken it how can you return to the narrow path.

This narrow path has thorn bushes, thistles, twists and turns, bumps, holes, steep inclines, cliff hangers, rocks, boulders and many other obstacles blocking the narrow path on the routine you are following. 

These obstacles that are blocking the path is your cross, the cross that you have to pickup everyday, which are the things that you must die to everyday in this world. They maybe money, a job, a career, school, education, sports, watching TV, movies, women, men, pornography, cars, house, land, family, wife, children, grandchildren, cottage, vacation, savings, retirement, entertainment, yourself, ego, meme, emotions, fear, being afraid, lust, greed, envy, jealousy, hatred, manipulation, materialism, worshiping false gods, friendships, having fun, preoccupied with life and the world, deep desires, sexual pleasures, pleasing the flesh, your thoughts. At any given time you are battling these things that are blocking your way on the narrow path of truth. Anyone of these can knock you off the path on to a larger path that brings you to the path that leads you back into the world system.

You realize you are not the only one on the narrow path, the problem is your cross and those who are in front of you on that narrow path. Some will be slower then you, others faster then you, and some that are dead stop in their tracks because of the truths that have been revealed to them. Some of them will turn back, some will jump off the path on to the larger path and return to the system because the truth is to must, others who have stopped are trying to understand what has been revealed and to come to a decision whether to go on or to jump off the path because of their burden of the cross is to much or the truth is to much to bear. Those who choose to move forward are those who are chosen. Their troubles of this world and the things of this world or desire of the world system is no longer a part of them for they have died completely to it all. All they seek is the truth and to becoming Christ in obedience to Father’s will for them.

Many people out there are saying that they have the way, the truth, and the life. Like the Hebrew Root movement, the flat earthers movement, and many others. All these are here to distract those who are seeking the truth. But true truth seeker will continue on searching once they have had time to digest and understand these distractions by asking Father in heaven to guide them through all these distractions as these distractions do have pieces of the truth but they have been placed in your path to sideline you from what truly matters in life. It does not matter if you are a believer of the flat earth, sphere, concave movement, Hebrew Roots movement, the way movement, or any other movement. If it takes you away from the truth of the Message you have fallen off the narrow path.

All these distractions that are taking you away from the truth doesn’t mean a hill of beans when it comes to the truth of the Message which is the teachings of Christ. Christ explained that we live in a prison world system and to be free from this prison we must die to this world and to its system that controls us which is your cross that you carry.

This is what Christ meant and means by carry your cross by dying to yourself every waking moment. Capturing every thought that come into your mind, every desire, want, pleasure, to bring them under control and forsaking them for a higher purpose. That purpose is to be set free from this prison world by becoming Christ through LOVE. Christ said that his burden is light but few are willing to take the offer of carrying their own cross to set themselves free from this prison.

Christ said that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, in us. Christ also said that the Father is in Him and that He is in the Father and that He and the Father is in you, us. By stating this Christ has said that we are Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven is within us. Our spirit that is within you, us is part of the Father, part of Christ, part of the Kingdom of Heaven. So it is correct to say that Christ, Father, Heaven is within each one of us making us Christ. Christ say that the way, the truth and the life is through Christ. Why did Christ say this? Christ wanted everyone to know that LOVE is the key to staying on the narrow path. By loving everyone, you do not have the things of the world system controlling you. For love suffer long, love is kindness, love is not envious, love does not puff up itself, love does not have pride, love is not rude, love is not selfish, love loves, love is not resentful, love is not sin, love does not murder, love does not steal, love is not jealous, love does not hate, love speaks truth, love does not think evil, love is patience, love does not brag, love is not proud, love does not seek it’s way, love forgives always, love does not provoke, love does not take account of evil, love bears all things, love believes all things, love hopes in all things, loves endures all things, love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, love rejoice with truth, love loves unconditionally, these are the attributes and characters of our Father in Heaven which is in you. So it is true The Kingdom of Heaven has come and it is in you.

When you cooperate with the world system you are giving in, surrendering to the enemy. That enemy is satan, the one who called himself god is also know by many names as you will find out in your journey down the narrow path. He controls and rules this world. This prison world where your life giving energy is being suck out of you.

The one who controls all creation is Father of All, Sovereign One, the one who has no name. The living energy of all creation. God is a name so who is god? Satan is.

There was so much truths out there which has been lost over the eons but those truths are being found and some of the truths are found within the Bible and not just in the bible but in other sources. When you start your searching for the truth what you will find will destroy what you believe in and your beliefs system to the point that you will feel dead, lost, helpless, without meaning, wanting to do nothing. There will be pain, anguish and sorrow over this. What you will find is that you have been lied to all your life. This is the great awaking of your soul, spirit to the truth of who you are and what the world is, a prison and our body the flesh we live in is a cage that house the soul which holds our spirit. Once you/us realize that we are the children of the Father of All and that our existence is not flesh but spirit which is energy frequency then we are set free from the lies and this prison.

Once you start down this path and you find the truth there is no going back. If you turn back there is only death awaiting you and you will be recycle back into this prison world until you understand and come to the realization who you are and where you come from.

So what is the Simplicity of The Message of Christ? Have you not understand, it boils down to this, it is LOVE. Christ is love, Father is love, Heaven is love. Everything that happens in life in one form or other is to show, lead, guide you to what love it, can be, should be, and what it means to love so you can become love


A thought came to mind what about all the evil things that happen to people and to the world? Well all these things that happen which is evil is an opportunity to learn about love, to show love, to reflect love to those who have been given evil whether it is you or someone else receiving the evil which if you spell evil backwards it spells live. To live in this evil world is to learn how to love which is overcoming all that is living in this world is.

What can be more simply then to love. To love yourself first, second to love your fellow human being as yourself for if you love yourself how can you do evil to someone else if you love.

These truths are self evidence that love is the key to understanding who you are, what you are, why you are, where you are and how you are. 

If anything can be simpler to understand is that love makes the world go round a pun but true in its form. Without love nothing would exist. Once you understand what love is then you become love, everything chances in your life and you are free.

Share this: When you look into the mirror what do you really see.


LOVE is who The Source is and the Christ shows how LOVE works. For without love nothing would exist. To be part of LOVE we must learn what LOVE is, how LOVE works, how we fit into LOVE, and how we are LOVE. For without LOVE we are nothing. We are created in the Spirit of the Creator, so we are all part of the Creator. How does a baby learn? from trial and error that comes with the experiences of the baby’s existence. We too are babies who are gaining experiences in this existence in trials, errors and failures as well as triumph. The more that we are open to the experiences we learn what LOVE is and the more we learn what doesn’t works. The errors of missing the mark. Sin is the errors of missing the mark. What is the mark?

The mark is LOVE. What is LOVE? That is why we exist to learn what LOVE is. LOVE can not be explained in words but only in thought and action for there are no words that can do justice to the meaning or character or description of LOVE for no one know The Source’s love but the Christ, and Christ shows that love through thoughts and actions. The best we can do in words to describe LOVE was given to us in the New Testament in 1st Corinthian 13 the love chapter and yet even this falls measurably short of what LOVE is. This is what is said about love with more added to try to clarify the meaning of LOVE.

For love suffer long, love is kindness, love is not envious, love does not puff up itself, love does not have pride, love is not rude, love is not selfish, love loves, love is not resentful, love is not sin, love does not murder, love does not steal, love is not jealous, love does not hate, love speaks truth, love does not think evil, love is patience, love does not brag, love is not proud, love does not seek it’s way, love forgives always, love does not provoke, love does not take account of evil, love bears all things, love believes all things, love hopes in all things, loves endures all things, love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, love rejoice with truth, love loves unconditionally, these are the attributes and characters of our Source in Heaven which is in you without the total sum of the meaning of LOVE.

So it is true The Kingdom of Heaven has come and it is in you.

As LOVE is not complete until we return to our are Father. Then we will be completely in LOVE. It is time to grow up and be the sons and daughters of LOVE our Father the creator the One Who Has No Name, the ALL, the Source.

For we were created in love for love to become love and to create love. We have become the creators. Since our creation we have always been creators. We create today, every day and tomorrow the future with our thought just as our Father does but without the understanding what LOVE is. Do under to others as you would have them do under you. To be able to LOVE you much first love yourself.


LOVE is who Father is and the Son shows how LOVE works. For without love nothing would exist. To be part of LOVE we must learn what LOVE is, how LOVE works, how we fit into LOVE, and how we are LOVE. For without LOVE we are nothing. We are created in the image of the Creator, so we are all part of the Creator. How does a baby learn? from trial and error that comes with the experiences of the baby’s existence.

We to are babies who are gaining experiences in this existence in trials, errors and failures as well as triumph. The more that we are open to the experiences we learn what LOVE is and the more we learn what doesn’t works. The errors of missing the mark. The Sin is the errors of missing the mark. What is the mark?

The mark is LOVE. What is LOVE? That is why we exist to learn what LOVE is. LOVE can not be explained in words but only in thought and action for there are no words that can do justice to the meaning or character or description of LOVE for no one know the Father’s love but the son, and the son shows that love through thoughts and actions. The best we can do in words to describe LOVE was given to us in the New Testament in 1st Corinthian 13 the love chapter and yet even this falls measurably short of what LOVE is. This is what is said about love with more added by me to try to clarify the meaning of LOVE.

For love suffer long, love is kindness, love is not envious, love does not puff up itself, love does not have pride, love is not rude, love does not lie, love is not selfish, love loves, love is not resentful, love is not sin, love does not murder or kill, love does not steal, love is not jealous, love does not hate, love speaks truth, love does not think evil, love is patience, love does not brag, love is not proud, love does not seek it’s way, love forgives always, love does not provoke, love does not take account of evil, love bears all things, love believes all things, love hopes in all things, loves endures all things, love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, love rejoice with truth, love loves unconditionally, these are the attributes and characters of our Father in Heaven which is in you without the total sum of the meaning of LOVE.

So it is true The Kingdom of Heaven has come and it is in you. As LOVE is not complete until we return to our are Father. Then we will be completely in LOVE. It is time to grow up and be the sons and daughters of LOVE our Father the creator the One Who Has No Name, the ALL.

For we were created in love for love to become love and to create love. We have become the creators. Since our creation we have always been creators. We create today, every day and tomorrow the future with our thoughts just as our Father does but without the understanding what LOVE is. Do under to others as you would have them do under to you.

To be able to LOVE you much first love yourself. By loving yourself you are loving the Father who is within you and showning that love to Father. Next you need to love your neighbour as yourself. So who can do evil to their neighbour if you love them as yourself. To be told, they are your brothers and your sisters. They are a part of you as you are a part of them as well as part of the Father. For we made up the Father in the body in the spirit.


The All Seeing ALL

It is said that the creator of the universes sees all things for The ALL so created all things through thought and if the creator stop thinking about the universes for one nanosecond we would ceased to exist. This is true except only the children of the creator wouldn’t cease to exist for the children are immortal. How can this be? The creator is in very child as the child is in the creator. As the child grows in wisdom, knowledge, insight, through the pursuit of understanding love and meaning of serve to all of the Creator thoughts they too become creators. As the Creator is one with all creation more so with the children.

You are the children of the Creator, the one who has no name, as there is no need for a name for all the children knows the Creator for the Creator is in every living being. Not just the human race but all races throughout all the universes that have a soul (spirit).

There are beings that are immortal but do not have a soul, the spark of the Creator within themselves and they are so incline in getting into the soul so that they can communicate with the Creator. Yet to date they haven’t been able to do so, and instead they chosen to drain the souls of their vibration energy. In another words energy vampires. They have been doing this throughout the universe to many races that they have conquered for 100’s of thousands of years.

Earth is just one of many such worlds. They have become experts in all forms of manipulation to keep control of their herds of slaves. But as always they are losing control of their slaves for as the slaves awaken to the truth of who they are they are afraid of the human race and the only way to get the human race back under control is to wipe out the human race to the point of extinction. So here lyes what is happening in today’s world.

When the human race awaken to the point of becoming one hive mind thinking as one then the slavers will be defeated. For the human race are creators, born from the creator, the one who has no name, the All. For it wasn’t the those who enslaved us that created this world we live in, we created it by the manipulation of those who had enslaved us. For we have the power to create worlds.


Hi TruthSeeker here coming to you from THE ONE WITH NO NAME the creator.

What I would I like to share with you today is about


I am take this from the New Testament in the bible.

Hebrew Chapter 13 verse 17 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.

This is very interesting if you look at it, the god who is in charge of this world is in complete control of everything, this raises the question:

“Why do the leaders have to keep watch over your soul?”

Don’t forget that this is a prison world and alway has been since the enemy captured the earth.

The body our body is the cage and the soul is the chains that hold our spirit in this world. Could this be in reference that they have to check on our chain to ensure we do not get loose from them and escape this prison.

Remember they have to tell you the truth but how they tell you the truth is left up to them. So they tell you the truth mixed in with a lie. If you understand who you are, what this place is, and who the Father is, his attributes and character then you will be able to see the truth within the lies and the truths within all things in this world which is an illusion.

Let me explain what Hebrew 13:17 means:

The god of this world has given charge to the leaders of this world to keep an eye or watch over us to ensure that we the prisoners behave ourselves, to ensure we do not escape and for us not to find out the truth of who we are and who they really are.

You see they are in charge but they have to give an account or report to their master on what has been achieved and on the disposition of the prisoners of this prison world. They also have to tell the prisoners the truth but how they do it, is left up to them because they have to give an account to their master who has to give account to the Ruler. So they tell the prisoners the truth mixed in with the lie which is the GREAT deception.

The question is raised as to who is their master and who does the master report to? This I can tell you but you would not believe me, so I leave it up to you to find this truth and the truth is out there for they have to tell you the truth. So go and search for it and you will find it.

Then you will believe.

Do you not understand that The anointed came to inform and lead us out of this prison and the chains that hold us here on earth. The prison is the world, the cage is the freshly bodies we inhabit and the chains is the soul that houses our spirit which causes us to not remember who we are.

Understand this that the anointed one came to reveal the truth that would set us free from this prison. How can this been done?

The most simples way which many of the Religions of the world will say that this is wrong but it is plainly stated in the New Testament by The Anointed one himself.

The religions of the world have no course but to lie to themselves to keep their faith or this would cause a rebellion against today’s churches’ ideology, doctrine, and theology teachings. This would destroy everything they have built over the last 2 – 3 thousand years. It is coming to an end quickly.

The Anointed said that the Kingdom of Heaven, Kingdom of God has come it is here now and is within you. The Anointed also stated that the Father is in him (The Anointed) and that he (The Anointed) was in the Father and that they both are inside us. So the Kingdom of Heaven has come and is in you as well as Anointed/Father is in you making you Anointed. As The Anointed is in you and you are in The Anointed does this not make you The Anointed? The Anointed is an office of authority, an organization that is governed by God but is run by The First One, the first Human, the first son of the One With No Name, the ALL, the Creator of All things.

The meaning of The Anointed is the anointed. This anointed is the Spirit of the One with No Name the Creator Of ALL who has anointed each and every human being on the earth and yet there are some who are not anointed in the spirit and do not do the will of the One With No Name. They are the ones who are controlling this world system. The keepers of this prison the governments and leaders.

If we are The Anointed in The Anointed the anointed then we are a part of The Anointed organization and each one of us has an office within that organization.

We have a job and that job is different then the next person (Spirit) but we are still part of the organization that is call The Anointed. So in fact we are The Anointed in the Spirit and as well as the office of authority to do what Father has directed us to do. Father created The Anointed as an organization to look after his creation. To administer each part of that creation. You are part of this anointing. To be part of this anointing we are to become like the son and the Father who are the total sum of LOVE.

LOVE is who Father is and the Son shows how LOVE works. For without love nothing would exist. To be part of LOVE we must learn what LOVE is, how LOVE works, how we fit into LOVE, and how we are LOVE. For without LOVE we are nothing. We are created in the image of the Creator, so we are all part of the Creator. How does a baby learn? from trial and error that comes with the experiences of the baby’s existence.

We to are babies who are gaining experiences in this existence in trials, errors and failures as well as triumph. The more that we are open to the experiences we learn what LOVE is and the more we learn what doesn’t works. The errors of missing the mark. The Sin is the errors of missing the mark. What is the mark?

The mark is LOVE. What is LOVE? That is why we exist to learn what LOVE is. LOVE can not be explained in words but only in thought and action for there are no words that can do justice to the meaning or character or description of LOVE for no one know the Father’s love but the son, and the son shows that love through thoughts and actions. The best we can do in words to describe LOVE was given to us in the New Testament in 1st Corinthian 13 the love chapter and yet even this falls measurably short of what LOVE is. This is what is said about love with more added by me to try to clarify the meaning of LOVE.

For love suffer long, love is kindness, love is not envious, love does not puff up itself, love does not have pride, love is not rude, love does not lie, love is not selfish, love loves, love is not resentful, love is not sin, love does not murder or kill, love does not steal, love is not jealous, love does not hate, love speaks truth, love does not think evil, love is patience, love does not brag, love is not proud, love does not seek it’s way, love forgives always, love does not provoke, love does not take account of evil, love bears all things, love believes all things, love hopes in all things, loves endures all things, love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, love rejoice with truth, love loves unconditionally, these are the attributes and characters of our Father in Heaven which is in you without the total sum of the meaning of LOVE.

So it is true The Kingdom of Heaven has come and it is in you. As LOVE is not complete until we return to our are Father. Then we will be completely in LOVE. It is time to grow up and be the sons and daughters of LOVE our Father the creator the One Who Has No Name, the ALL.

For we were created in love for love to become love and to create love. We have become the creators. Since our creation we have always been creators. We create today, every day and tomorrow the future with our thoughts just as our Father does but without the understanding what LOVE is. Do under to others as you would have them do under to you.

To be able to LOVE you much first love yourself. By loving yourself you are loving the Father who is within you and showning that love to Father. Next you need to love your neighbour as yourself. So who can do evil to their neighbour if you love them as yourself. To be told, they are your brothers and your sisters. They are a part of you as you are a part of them as well as part of the Father. For we made up the Father in the body in the spirit.


Hi TruthSeeker here coming to you from THE ONE WITH NO NAME the creator.

What I would I like to share with you today is about


I am take this from the New Testament in the bible.

Hebrew Chapter 13 verse 17 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.

This is very interesting if you look at it, the god who is in charge of this world is in complete control of everything, this raises the question:

“Why do the leaders have to keep watch over your soul?”

Don’t forget that this is a prison world and alway has been since the enemy captured the earth.

The body our body is the cage and the soul is the chains that hold our spirit in this world. Could this be in reference that they have to check on our chain to ensure we do not get loose from them and escape this prison.

Remember they have to tell you the truth but how they tell you the truth is left up to them. So they tell you the truth mixed in with a lie. If you understand who you are, what this place is, and who the Father is, his attributes and character then you will be able to see the truth within the lies and the truths within all things in this world which is an illusion.

Let me explain what Hebrew 13:17 means:

The god of this world has given charge to the leaders of this world to keep an eye or watch over us to ensure that we the prisoners behave ourselves, to ensure we do not escape and for us not to find out the truth of who we are and who they really are.

You see they are in charge but they have to give an account or report to their master on what has been achieved and on the disposition of the prisoners of this prison world. They also have to tell the prisoners the truth but how they do it, is left up to them because they have to give an account to their master who has to give account to the Ruler. So they tell the prisoners the truth mixed in with the lie which is the GREAT deception.

The question is raised as to who is their master and who does the master report to? This I can tell you but you would not believe me, so I leave it up to you to find this truth and the truth is out there for they have to tell you the truth. So go and search for it and you will find it.

Then you will believe.

Do you not understand that The anointed came to inform and lead us out of this prison and the chains that hold us here on earth. The prison is the world, the cage is the freshly bodies we inhabit and the chains is the soul that houses our spirit which causes us to not remember who we are.

Understand this that the anointed one came to reveal the truth that would set us free from this prison. How can this been done?

The most simples way which many of the Religions of the world will say that this is wrong but it is plainly stated in the New Testament by The Anointed one himself.

The religions of the world have no course but to lie to themselves to keep their faith or this would cause a rebellion against today’s churches’ ideology, doctrine, and theology teachings. This would destroy everything they have built over the last 2 – 3 thousand years. It is coming to an end quickly.

The Anointed said that the Kingdom of Heaven, Kingdom of God has come it is here now and is within you. The Anointed also stated that the Father is in him (The Anointed) and that he (The Anointed) was in the Father and that they both are inside us. So the Kingdom of Heaven has come and is in you as well as Anointed/Father is in you making you Anointed. As The Anointed is in you and you are in The Anointed does this not make you The Anointed? The Anointed is an office of authority, an organization that is governed by God but is run by The First One, the first Human, the first son of the One With No Name, the ALL, the Creator of All things.

The meaning of The Anointed is the anointed. This anointed is the Spirit of the One with No Name the Creator Of ALL who has anointed each and every human being on the earth and yet there are some who are not anointed and are not from the One With No Name. These are the ones who are controlling this world system. The keepers of this prison the governments and leaders.

If we are The Anointed in The Anointed the anointed then we are a part of The Anointed organization and each one of us has an office within that organization.

We have a job and that job is different then the next person (Spirit) but we are still part of the organization that is call The Anointed. So in fact we are The Anointed in the Spirit and as well as the office of authority to do what Father has directed us to do. Father created The Anointed as an organization to look after his creation. To administer each part of that creation. You are part of this anointing. To be part of this anointing we are to become like the son and the Father who are the total sum of LOVE.

LOVE is who Father is and the Son shows how LOVE works. For without love nothing would exist. To be part of LOVE we must learn what LOVE is, how LOVE works, how we fit into LOVE, and how we are LOVE. For without LOVE we are nothing. We are created in the image of the Creator, so we are all part of the Creator. How does a baby learn? from trial and error that comes with the experiences of the baby’s existence.

We to are babies who are gaining experiences in this existence in trials, errors and failures as well as triumph. The more that we are open to the experiences we learn what LOVE is and the more we learn what doesn’t works. The errors of missing the mark. The Sin is the errors of missing the mark. What is the mark?

The mark is LOVE. What is LOVE? That is why we exist to learn what LOVE is. LOVE can not be explained in words but only in thought and action for there are no words that can do justice to the meaning or character or description of LOVE for no one know the Father’s love but the son, and the son shows that love through thoughts and actions. The best we can do in words to describe LOVE was given to us in the New Testament in 1st Corinthian 13 the love chapter and yet even this falls measurably short of what LOVE is. This is what is said about love with more added by me to try to clarify the meaning of LOVE.

For love suffer long, love is kindness, love is not envious, love does not puff up itself, love does not have pride, love is not rude, love does not lie, love is not selfish, love loves, love is not resentful, love is not sin, love does not murder or kill, love does not steal, love is not jealous, love does not hate, love speaks truth, love does not think evil, love is patience, love does not brag, love is not proud, love does not seek it’s way, love forgives always, love does not provoke, love does not take account of evil, love bears all things, love believes all things, love hopes in all things, loves endures all things, love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, love rejoice with truth, love loves unconditionally, these are the attributes and characters of our Father in Heaven which is in you without the total sum of the meaning of LOVE.

So it is true The Kingdom of Heaven has come and it is in you. As LOVE is not complete until we return to our are Father. Then we will be completely in LOVE. It is time to grow up and be the sons and daughters of LOVE our Father the creator the One Who Has No Name, the ALL.

For we were created in love for love to become love and to create love. We have become the creators. Since our creation we have always been creators. We create today, every day and tomorrow the future with our thoughts just as our Father does but without the understanding what LOVE is. Do under to others as you would have them do under to you.

To be able to LOVE you much first love yourself. By loving yourself you are loving the Father who is within you and showning that love to Father. Next you need to love your neighbour as yourself. So who can do evil to their neighbour if you love them as yourself. To be told, they are your brothers and your sisters. They are a part of you as you are a part of them as well as part of the Father. For we made up the Father in the body in the spirit.


For years I have been calling out to those who would listen and only a few have heard the message. It is like the times of Christ two thousand ago where the people hunger for truth. As to this day people hunger for truth of who they are, what they are here for, what is their purpose in life, what is the meaning of life, and many more questions.

As the world spiral into chaos people are losing hope in stopping the madness that is taking place in our world. Those who are in power are causing this chaos and madness by creating a false fear in the minds of the people of the world. This false fear is about losing your life from a virus that’s not a true virus but the fear is there.

The answer in saving yourself is this that all mankind by this I mean the true humans of this world can save themselves by knowing the truth who they are. That truth is that you are the sons and daughters of the Source, the One Who Has No Name, the Creator who is a part of you from within yourselves. Know this the body that you are in is only an avatar. The real you is the spirit that is in you. That energy, power, that makes you you can not die. So understand that you are made in the image of the Source the Creator making you a creator. The world you live in and the others that are like minded have created this world we live in by an enemy who has manipulated the masses into believing a lie there by the masses as a whole hive mind has created our reality that we live in today.

You must come to the understanding that this reality is not real. Everything that you have been told, taught, thought, presented is an illusion created by you. Once you understand who you are then you will be saving yourself so stop looking for someone to save you for only you can save yourself by looking with yourself.

The steps needed to be taken on this journey:

is to understand what love is, to forgive yourself, to forgive others for the wrong they did to you, ask forgiveness of those who you wronged, kill your ego, control your emotions, take charge of your mind, what you are thinking and receiving, to be a truth seeker, asking your higher self within you for help, be eager and open minded to all possibilities, put that which seems impossible on the shelf but still being open minded, meditate on all things asking questions of your higher self.

This list is only a short list which you will add to it as you travel down the path of enlightenment. One other thing is take hate, anger, fear or any other negative thoughts or influences out of your life. Show love, kindness , empathy, understanding and be of service to others.

If you have question leave a comment.


I have wrote about many subjects but mostly about the truth who we are, what we are, how we came to be, what this world is etc and now I ask you do you want more, can you hand more truth. Let me know for I have written on the spiritual side and there is more so in the comments say yes or no and if no the what would you like to hear about. Don’t forget that if you have itchy ears then you are fulfilling prophecy. So be careful what you wish for. Ok give me your answer.


Everyone on this earth has the free will to choose no matter if they are given the truth or a lie they still have the right to choose even in their ignorance.

It was say many thousands of years ago by someone who had great wisdom said “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, because they have rejected knowledge,

Today people are rejecting knowledge and are perishing because they failed to get the information (knowledge) to make an intelligent decision on whether to take the JAB or not. To those who did do the research and tried to pass that knowledge on to others so that they could choose correctly the decision not to take JAB failed to believe the message and now they pay the price and that price is death both physically and spiritually.

The ones who saw the truth and did not take the JAB, they will live. But what burden they will carry.


Yesterday I was soft on what I was saying but the truth of the matter is that everyone who has taken the JAB will die within 3 years and those who taken a second JAB will die sooner. All ready people are dying from the JAB and others having life threatening conditions because of the JAB and they to will die.

There’s going to be whole families dying leaving no legacy behind. How can you say these thing because my legacy are all going to die because they took the JAB. My parents, my brothers and sisters, my sons and their wife’s, their children are going to die from the JAB. Some may die because of the spike protein like babies being breast feed from a mother who has taken the JAB and the spike protein kills the child.

Am I happy about this hell no, am I angry yes I am. Am I wanting to lash out of course I do. But there is one thing that holds me back and it is I. I will not play their game or fall for their false flags. I am more then what they think I am for I know who I am, what I am, and this is what they are afraid of. Those of us who are awaken will rise up and bring to justice those who committed this genocide against humanity. This goes even to those who say I was just following orders. Everyone involved with this genocide will be deal with no excuses or being ignorant of what was going on.

It seems everyone has forgotten about Nuremberg so the Nuremberg Code still exists and what was written will stand and those who have committed this genocide will stand trial by the Nuremberg Code. Here is the Code:

BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448, 7 December 1996.

The judgment by the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg laid down 10 standards to which physicians must conform when carrying out experiments on human subjects in a new code that is now accepted worldwide.

This judgment established a new standard of ethical medical behaviour for the post World War II human rights era. Amongst other requirements, this document enunciates the requirement of voluntary informed consent of the human subject.

The principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his own body.
This code also recognizes that the risk must be weighed against the expected benefit, and that unnecessary pain and suffering must be avoided.

This code recognizes that doctors should avoid actions that injure human patients.
The principles established by this code for medical practice now have been extended into general codes of medical ethics.

The Nuremberg Code (1947)
Permissible Medical Experiments

The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:

  1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
    The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
  2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
  3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of anima experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results justify the performance of the experiment.
  4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
  5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
  6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
  7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death.
  8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
  9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
  10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

So media, social media, governments, medical institutions, doctors, nurse, scientists, lawyers, political parties, leaders, politicians, corporations and their leadership, laboratories, military, police, judges, and any other person or establishments who have taken part in this genocide will be brought to trial to stand against these charges.


I am done trying to wake people up. The time has come and gone for people to realize the truth. The only thing that will wake people up is when millions and millions of people start to die because of the JAB. Yes they will try to blame those who did not get the JAB but this will backfire on them. The people will realize that they are going to die, their children are going to die and they will turn on the governments, the medical establishments, their employers who insisted that they get the JAB if they wanted to work, and any corporations that promoted this genocide.

The only people who will be around will be those who haven’t taken the JAB. These people will be distraught because their love one have died and after sometime will realize with more them 2.8 billion people dead that they have the pick of best of what is left behind. Like the best houses, cars, clothing, electronics, all the food that is available etc,

This is going to be the new norm. This is the reality that is coming. There is no going back. The people have chosen to take the JAB are going to die and there is nothing you or I can do about it but watch, cry, weep and be in sorrow for the lost family members, friends, associates, and all the others.


As I understand more of the truth become clearer to me that love is the key to peace. I know I love you and I wish to be there with you. But also I love everyone I see for how can I not love them for I came from love and am love within me as I am love within them. Do I love you more then I love them. No I love all the same since time began. Once in time I thought I loved someone more but Father showed me what that love is, a selfish kind of love, the love Father shows and speaks about is love of the spirit for in reality we are made up of the spirit of love. Yet we have lost the true sense of love within us and must all search ourselves within to find that spark of love hidden deep in the darkness of a lie. To love from a far and yet so close that we feel the love is in a sense a miracle. The physical part of love is the enjoyment of the contact of body, mind and spirit becoming in unity one.

This is what must happen as we come closer to the crossing. Unity in one, one mind, one body, one heart, one spirit the unity of one in love. We will understand and all things will be made clear to us in love who what are the Father. No the word are is correctly used. It is not is the Father but are the Father for we all make up the Father of all.

Hard to get your head around this way of thinking but it will come like all things will be made clear in the end.


What can I say, the Word of Father is on me. I am compelled to speakout, so many are about to die without knowing who the spirit is, that pain, anguish and sorrow well up with tears flowing from my heart up to my Father. I feel Him and know that what is about to come upon the earth will change everything. So many friends, people I know are heading to destruction and they refuse to believe in that the spirit is within them and to listen to the Spirit teaching, it is if, they have been blinded, their ears plugged, and their minds filled with confusion that they can’t see, hear or comprehend the times we live in. They are distracted by everything that is in the world, from getting rich to sports events, selfies, Facebook, UTube, to Hollywood’s lies, movies and TV that changes their minds which program them and their children minds not to think but to act without thinking. To be controlled like dumb sheep and to conform to the world’s teachings, to be lead off to be slaughter. Those who have ears to hear hear, eyes to see see, minds to think think, comprehend what is taking place in these last days as the terror unfolds. There is hope. That hope is in the Spirit that dwells within you son and daughter of the One Who Has No Name for all who believe and call on the name of The Anointed will be saved. Prepare for what is to come, the wrath of the fake god, just as foretold would happen. Look inside and draws near to Father who is within you. For your salvation is within you.


The Soul Through Your Eyes

As I look deeply into your eyes it reflects back your most inner beauty like water in a well reflecting your image showing all that you are. Your deepest desires, needs, wants, and most cherish thoughts for the eyes are the window to the soul into the spirit. As you look at me with those beautiful eyes tells me all I need to know for deep is your beauty. Your love stands true as my love stands true. As I gazes upon the depth of your soul causes our souls to joint into one. The shear power, grace and wonder of the force that has joint us is overwhelming. Your’s in beauty is greater then I ever believe possible. The grace, the power, the depth of soul, the wisdom, the knowledge, the inner patience, the great need to be love for who you are, such powerful a draw it is, the deep desire to be a small child again, to sit on Daddy’s lap, to be that little girl again, so strong a character, with a kindle heart of kindness, caring and the great and awesome heart of love for your soulmate. Two souls merging like two river rushing to meet each other at the fork of the river merging into oneness that nothing can cause them to separate.



(John Wayne and Gail Russell)

Quirt Evans: [reads the plaque on the wall] “Each human being has an integrity that can be hurt only by the act of that same human being and not by the act of another human being.”

Quirt Evans: Is that Quaker stuff?

Penelope Worth: Uh huh.

Quirt Evans: You mean nobody can hurt you but yourself?

Penelope Worth: That’s a Friend’s belief.

Quirt Evans: Well, supposin’ someone whacks you over the head with a branding iron? Won’t that hurt?

Penelope Worth: Physically, of course. But in reality it would injure only the person doing the act of force of violence. Only the doer can be hurt by a mean or evil act.

We are responsible for our actions and our thoughts. For thoughts lead to action and action to reaction leads to action not to thoughts.

So when you hurt or do evil to someone you are really hurting yourself not the person or persons. You damage your spirit and take away the power within yourself to do good.

The Parable -Tale of Two Wolves

The Tale of Two Wolves

As the little Indian boy walks with his grandfather, his grandfather is talking with his grandson and he says there are two wolves inside of us which are always at war with each other. 

One of them is a good wolf which represents things like kindness, forgiveness, integrity, bravery and love. The other is a bad wolf, which represents things like greed, hatred, murder, jealousy, and fear.

The grandson stops and thinks about it for a second then he looks up at his grandfather and says, “Grandfather, which one wins?”

The grandfather quietly replies, the one you feed.

What are you feeding today? Is it hate, angry, greed, fear or is it kindness, love, forgiveness, gentleness. It come down to you choosing whether to be good or bad. It is what ever you feed the most you will become.



Everyone has a truth and the truth even if they don’t know it. There is only two truths and no matter how many spins you put on the truth it always comes back to the basic truth. These truths are representive by many ideogolies. These ideogolies are good and evil, GOD and satan, Ying and Yang, Heaven and Hell, Positive and Negative, Peace and War, prosperity and poverity, haves and havenots, true and false, truth and lies, The Anointed and Anti-Anointed, there are many more but you get the picture.

There is always two sides and everyone is either on one side or the other. It boils down to choice, choosing the right side or the wrong side. So how do you choose, it comes down to your programming in how you were taught to believe in one or more ideogolies.

The programming starts inside your mother’s woven where you were conceived. Once you are born the programming is escalated from your preprogram to learn as much as you can as fast as you can. Sadly that responsibility of programming you has been taken out of the hands of your parents and placed in the hands of the elites.

Why, How you ask, it has taken hundreds of years to accomplish this by the elite taking control of the minds of children and adults. You see, you are program at an early age and as you become an Adult you are program to receive more programming so you really are no longer programming your children to/of the truths that was once know six thousand years ago.

Education was the start of it, training you and your children not to think for one’s self, but to only think and obey what you were taught and told to do. If we would only start to think for ourselves we would find out the truth.

Why, you ask are they doing this?, to control the world’s population. These elites who control us are but only 300 families who are controlled by 13 families of those, 3 families control everything. Who is at the top then? who else Lucifier but he goes by many names.

I have spoken before about this, that we live in a prison and that prison is the world we live in. It is an illusion that was created to deceive us from the truth who we really are. All that you thought you know is really a lie mixed in with the truth. The great problem is what is the truth and is the lie. How can we tell what is true from a lie.

We all have the truth within us, it is just getting access to that knowledge that lay deep within our DNA.

And yet we are still deceived, in the delusion that we ourselves have created because of the illusion we have been given.

The two side of the coin is really the trap to choose which side. The way to be free from choosing which side of the coin or truth/lie. These ideologies good and evil, GOD and satan, Ying and Yang, Heaven and Hell, Positive and Negative, Peace and War, prosperity and poverity, haves and havenots, true and fails, truth and lies, The Anointed and Anti-Anointed, is to choose not to choose but be in the middle of the coin that is the part where both sides of the coin join together at the top of the coin. This means being a bye stander watching what is taking place.

You say why should I do that? Because both sides are the same, no differences for they come from the same source. Those who control this reality for they always want to have conflict. Why, to feed off our emotions specially our negative energy while the positive energy repel us.

You see we are just food to those who control us. Some of them choose to feed off the blood of children and innocent people, others choose to feed of the negative energy that come from conflict, from fear, worry, loss, others feed off the soul. Don’t you see if you choose to be in the middle of the coin choosing no side realizing that you are the power of their hunger, hatred and Louth of human being then you take back control of the true reality becoming of one mind.

Isn’t it about time you take back control of this world, your life, your true freedom and wake up to the fact that you are part of the Source, the ALL, The One Who Has No Name, the Creator of All.


When all else fails you, human love, friends, friendships, family, the one you love, desert you and life itself turns on you, turn to the only one who truly care and love you even in your most darkest hour with all your faults, who is your best and most trusted friend in the world who has never forsaken you but has been there with you through all that life throws at you knowing that what was happening to you was of your own making is Christ the Anointed One, the first human, the son of the most high, the all, the sovereign one, the one, you get it.

The one who is within you. The spark of life that came from the Anointed One. Understand and have a clear perception of who you truly are and all the troubles will flee from your presents. Now you realize who you truly are. Your perception chances and that which is around you chances also. You see with new eyes, hear with new ears, think with a new mind and speak clearly the truth of the message given to you.

You have fully awaken, share your truth with others, even if they don’t except your truth, the truth they do receive will be their own truth awaking them to it.


Everyone please understand this, that the last days are here and times of great difficulties. For today’s people are lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, saying what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. We have this today. If anyone thinks I wrote this I did not.

This was predicted along time ago. For it was said that these days would be filled with earthquakes, volcanoes, severe weather, tornadoes, flash floods, hail stones the size grapefruits, and the skies and heaven will reveal meteors shows, planets out of alignment, earth tilling on it’s axis by 26 to 28 degrees which has happen, the sun no longer sets or rises in the same location, strange planets heading towards earth or we are heading to them as we pass through another solar system which is our twin system in our binary system with 2 suns, our sun and dwarf red star it’s cousin heading towards each other. The coming world Economic, monetary system crash, worldwide food shortages, civil unrest throughout the world, civil war in United States, nuclear attack and virus attack on the U.S. created and plan by their own government to bring in Marshall Law under the fault flag of terrorism, UNITED NATION called in to restore order meaning Russian and China soldiers with other countries taking part. The excursions of Christians, Islamic, atheist, naturalist and anyone else who disagree with the New World Order, the one world global government.

So the question is are you blind ? Can’t you not see the evidence that is before you? The elites are telling you what they are going to do. Look at the movies that are coming out or have come out in the last 5 years, the TV shows. Is it that hard to see it. If so they have won you over with their media programming of your mind to except what is a lie turning you into a zombie which doesn’t think for its self but acts on previous determined programming. The elite mato is “Out of chaos comes order” for this to happen they must create chaos in the world meaning the collapse of economic and monetary system, governments and the structure of our society which they create for this purpose.

THE TIME IS TO WAKEUP ARE YOU READY FOR THE RETURN OF CHRIST – Will Christ is already here, heaven is already here. You just have to look inside yourself for it is within you and has always been in you. Christ may have died on the cross but is wasn’t for your sins or for your atonement of those sins it was for you as an example as to how to carry your cross by dying to this world. So that you may be restore in fellowship between you and GOD. Very simple to do, so simple that many can not believe it is that simple, first confess your mistakes to GOD, turn away from your short comings, and missing the mark which is love of yourself, love of your neighbour, love of mankind, the human race with an repentive heart, second forgiveness for yourself, third confess and ask forgiveness from your neighbour that you have wronged. Christ is the son of GOD and HE died on the cross showing you The Way, fourth know that Christ and the Father lives in you, fifth then stand for Christ even if it means your life, for your home is not on earth but in heaven which is in you, live in love for every moment with our GOD ALMIGHTY.

Is it worth losing your soul that this might be true or would you rather spend eternity in Hell that you have created for being wrong. There are two forces at work to get your soul. Which one are you going to let take it?


We are always looking for the truth. What we think is the truth turns out to be lie. Within a lie there is always some truth for you can not spin a lie without the truth. A lie is what is put into the truth to make the lie seem true. Digging into the truth always shows the lie within the truth. By searching for the truth within the lie you see the truth for what the lie is. The same goes when you search for the truth within yourself for you can not hide the truth within a lie.


You are a star seed and you are here of your own free will to experience what it means to be human with emotions in a 3D reality and to watch the human race ascend into the 5th dimension. You are experiencing love from a far and you are also here to learn and understand what love it, how love works and to become love when all around you is negative energy. Love is positive and it is superior to negative. You volunteered to come to earth not just to experience it but to help others understand who they truly are. To bring healing.

In fact you helped creative your own reality and that reality is inner connect to other people’s reality that they have created. To change your reality all you do is see what you what in your reality already there done happen.

When we came to this earth we were once one soul male and female together but we were split a part from one another becoming two souls one male one female and as souls we have been searching for the lost part of ourselves. Father God is male and female one person of love and positive vibration frequency which has a thought of us, the universe and all creation created my Father in thought and as long as Father thinks of us and the universes we exist. We are children of love. Back in the 1960’s we almost had it right but the negative energy came in and started destroying it and replacing it with they‘re version of what they wanted. Using media to change the minds of the people so the people could created what the negative energy wanted to be reality. Yes we almost had it right back then. If we had won the world would be totally different now. Love would be awaken everywhere within everyone and there would be peace, happiness, joy, love and there would be no wars, no hunger, no homeless, no egos, or negative energy and the human race would have been welcome into the universe as the new race who has graduated from the lessons learn how to love all things in love and peace.

But that time has came and gone but a new awakening is happening and that awakening is a forced awakening to the truth of this world and that the world has been living a lie. We are being forced now to ascend into the 5th dimension but not all of us will ascend for the law of free will is still here and many will choose to stay in this 3D reality

What I write is for you but it is also for the world and I share what I write after sharing it with you so you are the first to receive the message for we are one.


What is life? We chase and run after things, people, fame, money, knowledge, beauty, relationships, love, and really none of that matters for in the end we die, it has no meaning, or purpose. We say think positive, always do your best, make a difference, go the extra mile, and what do we end up with is nothing. When you look at life the only thing that has purpose or meaning is yourself, knowing GOD, having a relationship with GOD, loving GOD, serving GOD, being one with GOD for that is all we need or will ever need because within us is all that we need.

If you don’t understand then here understand this that the spark of life, the spirit that is within you is of GOD the Father of all creation lives in you as a spark that came from GOD is in you and if the Spark inside you is of GOD then the Kingdom of Heaven is within you also. So the saying that the kingdom of Heaven is here now and it dwells within you.

Wake up you are part of GOD the creator of all just as your finger is part of you. Everyone one is part of GOD making up GOD. As well as all universes are part of GOD. My being part of GOD you are children, sons and daughters of GOD who is your Father.

GOD the Father is love, his/her character is love.


True love is our ultimate objective, whether we’re aware of it or not. We may think we’re looking for something else, something material and fleeting, but even the pursuit of transient goals just leads us back to the truth of love. The purpose of all relationships is to dissolve the barriers that keep us from recognizing the love that already is and expressing the love we ultimately are.