But the student soon finds that this is not all that he finds within his inner consciousness. He finds that there exists a mental Something which is able to Will that the “Me” act along certain creative lines, and which is also able to stand aside and witness the mental creation. This part of himselfContinue reading “MENTAL GENDER – Part Three”


Let us begin with a consideration of the “Me,” which is usually mistaken for the “I” by the student, until he presses the inquiry a little further back into the recesses of consciousness. A man thinks of his Self (in its aspect of “Me”) as being composed of certain feelings, tastes, likes, dislikes, habits, peculiarContinue reading “MENTAL GENDER – Part Two”


MENTAL GENDER.Students of psychology who have followed the modern trend of thought along the lines of mental phenomena are struck by the persistence of the dual-mind idea which has manifested itself so strongly during the past ten or fifteen years, and which has given rise to a number of plausible theories regarding the nature andContinue reading “MENTAL GENDER – Part One”

GENDER – Part Two

The latest scientific teachings are that the creative corpuscles or electrons are Feminine (science says “they are composed of negative electricity–we say they are composed of Feminine energy). A Feminine corpuscle becomes detached from, or rather leaves, a Masculine corpuscle, and starts on a new career. It actively seeks a union with a Masculine corpuscle,Continue reading “GENDER – Part Two”

GENDER – Part One

GENDER.“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests onplanes.”–The Kybalion. The great Seventh Hermetic Principle–the Principle of Gender–embodies the truth that there is Gender manifested in everything–that the Masculine and Feminine principles are ever present and active in all phases of phenomena, on each and every plane of life. AtContinue reading “GENDER – Part One”

CAUSATION – Part Three

The majority of people are more or less the slaves of heredity, environment, etc., and manifest very little Freedom. They are swayed by the opinions, customs and thoughts of the outside world, and also by their emotions, feelings, moods, etc. They manifest no Mastery, worthy of the name. They indignantly repudiate this assertion, saying, “Why,Continue reading “CAUSATION – Part Three”


Some confusion has arisen in the minds of persons considering this Principle, from the fact that they were unable to explain how one thing could cause another thing–that is, be the “creator” of the second thing. As a matter of fact, no “thing” ever causes or “creates” another “thing.” Cause and Effect deals merely withContinue reading “CAUSATION – Part Two”


CAUSATION.“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.”–The Kybalion. The great Sixth Hermetic Principle–the Principle of Cause and Effect–embodies the truth that Law pervades the Universe; that nothingContinue reading “CAUSATION – Part One”

RHYTHM – Part Two

The Hermetic Masters long since discovered that while the Principle of Rhythm was invariable, and ever in evidence in mental phenomena, still there were two planes of its manifestation so far as mental phenomena are concerned. They discovered that there were two general planes of Consciousness, the Lower and the Higher, the understanding of whichContinue reading “RHYTHM – Part Two”

RHYTHM – Part One

RHYTHM.“Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right, is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”– The Kybalion. The great Fifth Hermetic Principle–the Principle of Rhythm–embodies the truth that in everything there isContinue reading “RHYTHM – Part One”


POLARITY.“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has Its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.“–The Kybalion. The great Fourth Hermetic Principle–the Principle of Polarity–embodies the truth that all manifested things haveContinue reading “POLARITY – Part One”

VIBRATION – Part Three

But the Hermetic Teachings go much further than do those of modern science. They teach that all manifestation of thought, emotion, reason, will or desire, or any mental state or condition, are accompanied by vibrations, a portion of which are thrown off and which tend to affect the minds of other persons by “induction.” ThisContinue reading “VIBRATION – Part Three”


The Universal Ether, which is postulated by science without its nature being understood clearly, is held by the Hermetists to be but a higher manifestation of that which is erroneously called matter–that is to say, Matter at a higher degree of vibration–and is called by them “The Ethereal Substance.” The Hermetists teach that this EtherealContinue reading “VIBRATION – Part Two”


“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”–The Kybalion. The great Third Hermetic Principle–the Principle of Vibration–embodies the truth that Motion is manifest in everything in the Universe–that nothing is at rest–that everything moves, vibrates, and circles. This Hermetic Principle was recognized by some of the early Greek philosophers who embodied it in their systems. But, then,Continue reading “VIBRATION – Part One”


The Legend of the Fallen Angels have a basis in actual facts, as all advanced occultists know. The striving for selfish power on the Spiritual Planes inevitably results in the selfish soul losing its spiritual balance and falling back as far as it had previously risen. But to even such a soul, the opportunity ofContinue reading “THE PLANES OF CORRESPONDENCE – Part Six”

The Planes of Correspondence – Part Five

All that we can say is that the Seven Minor Planes of the Great Spiritual Plane (each Minor Plane having its seven sub-divisions) comprise Beings possessing Life, Mind and Form as far above that of Man of to-day as the latter is above the earthworm, mineral or even certain forms of Energy or Matter. TheContinue reading “The Planes of Correspondence – Part Five”


The Plane of Plant Mind, in its seven sub-divisions, comprises the states or conditions of the entities comprising the kingdoms of the Plant World, the vital and mental phenomena of which is fairly well understood by the average intelligent person, many new and interesting scientific works regarding “Mind and Life in Plants” having been publishedContinue reading “THE PLANES OF CORRESPONDENCE – Part Four”


Next above the Plane of Ethereal Substance comes the Plane of Energy (A), which comprises the ordinary forms of Energy known to science, its seven sub-planes being, respectively, Heat; Light; Magnetism; Electricity, and Attraction (including Gravitation, Cohesion, Chemical Affinity, etc.) and several other forms of energy indicated by scientific experiments but not as yet namedContinue reading “THE PLANES OF CORRESPONDENCE – Part Three”


And these degrees form what occultists call “Planes.” The higher the degree of rate of vibration, the higher the plane, and the higher the manifestation of Life occupying that plane. So that while a plane is not “a place,” nor yet “a state or condition,” yet it possesses qualities common to both. We shall haveContinue reading “THE PLANES OF CORRESPONDENCE – Part Two”


THE PLANES OF CORRESPONDENCE. “As above, so below; as below, so above”–The Kybalion. The great Second Hermetic Principle embodies the truth that there is a harmony, agreement, and correspondence between the several planes of Manifestation, Life and Being. This truth is a truth because all that is included in the Universe emanates from the sameContinue reading “THE PLANES OF CORRESPONDENCE -Part One”

“THE ALL” In All – Part Four

Strictly speaking, there cannot be said to be any “Reason” whatsoever for THE ALL to act, for a “reason” implies a “cause.” and THE ALL is above Cause and Effect, except when it Wills to become a Cause, at which time the Principle is set into motion. So, you see, the matter is Unthinkable, justContinue reading ““THE ALL” In All – Part Four”

“THE ALL” In All – Part Three

The Hermetic Teachings regarding the process of Evolution are that, THE ALL, having meditated upon the beginning of the Creation–having thus established the material foundations of the Universe–having thought it into existence–then gradually awakens or rouses from its Meditation and in so doing starts into manifestation the process of Evolution, on the material, mental andContinue reading ““THE ALL” In All – Part Three”

“THE ALL” In All – Part Two

The student will, of course, realize that the illustrations given above are necessarily imperfect and inadequate, for they represent the creation of mental images in finite minds, while the Universe is a creation of Infinite Mind–and the difference between the two poles separates them. And yet it is merely a matter of degree–the same PrincipleContinue reading ““THE ALL” In All – Part Two”

“THE ALL” – In All Part One

“THE ALL” IN ALL. “While All is in THE ALL, it is equally true that THE ALL is in All. To him who truly understands this truth hathcome great knowledge.”–The Kybalion. How often have the majority of people heard repeated the statement that their Deity (called by many names) was “All in All,” and howContinue reading ““THE ALL” – In All Part One”


Matter is none the less Matter to us, while we dwell on the plane of Matter, although we know it to be merely an aggregation of “electrons,” or particles of Force, vibrating rapidly and gyrating around each other in the formations of atoms; the atoms in turn vibrating and gyrating, forming molecules, which latter inContinue reading “DIVINE PARADOX – Part Three”


So, the Hermetic Teachings do not preach the unsubstantiality of the Universe in any stronger terms than those more familiar to you, although their presentation of the subject may seem somewhat more startling. Anything that has a beginning and an ending must be, in a sense, unreal and untrue, and the Universe comes under theContinue reading “THE DIVINE UNIVERSE – Part Two”